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I'm drinkin' at the time, an' I don't reckon now you attaches importance to what a gent says when he's in licker?" ""Not to what he says," I replies; "but I does to what he shoots. I looks with gravity on the gun-plays of any gent, an' the drunker he is the more ser'ous I regyards the eepisode."

"I am. After excitement, you know." "Ain't you finding enough?" "I've got two things ahead of me." "Well?" "This trip, and when I come back I think making love to you would be more exciting than gun-plays." They regarded each other with bantering smiles. "A tenderfoot like you make love to me? That would be exciting, all right, if it wasn't so funny."

Bruce said furiously. "The days of gun-plays have gone by," Sprudell reminded him. "And you haven't got the price to fight me in the courts. You'd better lay down before you start and save yourself the worry. What can you do? You have no money, no influence, no brains to speak of," he sneered insultingly, "or you wouldn't be down there doing what you are.

No no particular trouble, except John Johns, the d fool, threw the loop of his rope over the neck of the sheriff's horse, and one of the party offered to unsling a carbine. But about a dozen six-shooters clicked within hearing, and he acted on my advice and cut gun-plays out. No trouble at all except a big medicine talk, and a heap of legal phrases that I don't sabe very clear.

The shaggy gray head of Jim Boone fell likewise, and he was murmuring to his savage old heart: "The good days are over. They'll never rest till one of 'em is dead, and then the rest will take sides and we'll have gun-plays at night. Seven years, and then to break up!" Dick Wilbur, as usual, was the pacifier.

It was the illusion of hidden wealth, of buried treasure, which keeps half the mines in the West closed down and half of the rest in litigation; except that in Keno it seemed to be associated with gun-plays and a marked tendency towards homicide. So, upon his return from a short stay in the hospital he came up the main street silently, then stepped on the throttle and went through town a-smoking.

She threw down on him awkwardly, but as the pistol was not cocked, Wiley only curled his lip and smiled indulgently, with a restraining glance at his guard. "Yes, Mrs. Huff," he agreed quite calmly, "I don't doubt you want it back. You want lots of things that you'll never get from me by coming around with these gun-plays.

The shaggy gray head of Jim Boone fell likewise, and he was murmuring to his savage old heart: "The good days are over. They'll never rest till one of 'em is dead, and then the rest will take sides and we'll have gun-plays at night. Seven years, and then to break up!" Dick Wilbur, as usual, was the pacifier.

"No, I certainly did not," replied Duane. "Wal, you get the blame. It ain't nothin' for a feller to be saddled with gun-plays he never made. An', Buck, if you ever get famous, as seems likely, you'll be blamed for many a crime. The border'll make an outlaw an' murderer out of you. Wal, thet's enough of thet. I've more news. You're goin' to be popular." "Popular? What do you mean?"