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How wrong in us to give way to anger, jealousy, revenge, or any evil passion; for does not all that affects the mind operate also upon the stomach; and how can we be so vicious, so obdurate, as to forget, for a momentary indulgence, our debt to what you have so justly designated our perpetual benefactor?" "Right," said Lord Guloseton, "a bumper to the morality of the stomach."

My pamphlet took prodigiously. Sometime afterwards, I was going down the stairs at Almack's, when I heard an altercation, high and grave, at the door of reception. To my surprise, I found Lord Guloseton and a very young man in great wrath; the latter had never been to Almack's before, and had forgotten his ticket.

"My dear friend," interrupted Guloseton, with his mouth full, "it is very true; but this is no time for talking, let us eat." I acknowledged the justice of the rebuke, and we did not interchange another word beyond the exclamations of surprise, pleasure, admiration, or dissatisfaction, called up by the objects which engrossed our attention, till we found ourselves alone with our dessert.

How wrong in us to give way to anger, jealousy, revenge, or any evil passion; for does not all that affects the mind operate also upon the stomach; and how can we be so vicious, so obdurate, as to forget, for a momentary indulgence, our debt to what you have so justly designated our perpetual benefactor?" "Right," said Lord Guloseton, "a bumper to the morality of the stomach."

From a saute de foie, what delicate subtleties of finesse might have their origin? from a ragout a la financiere, what godlike improvements in taxation? Oh, could such a lot be mine, I would envy neither Napoleon for the goodness of his fortune, nor S for the grandeur of his genius." Guloseton laughed.

While I was in this kindly mood towards the great city and its inhabitants, my landlady put two letters in my hand one was from my mother, the other from Guloseton. I opened the latter first; it ran thus: "Dear Pelham, "I was very sorry to hear you had left town and so unexpectedly too. I obtained your address from Mivart's, and hasten to avail myself of it.

Knave, give me my due, I like a tart as well as you; But I would starve on good roast beef, Ere I would look so like a thief. The Queen of Hearts. Nune vino pellite curas; Cras ingens iterabimus aequor. Horace. The next morning I received a note from Guloseton, asking me to dine with him at eight, to meet his chevreuil.

"My lord," said I, "what a lusty lusciousness in this pear! it is like the style of the old English poets. What think you of the seeming good understanding between Mr. Gaskell and the Whigs?" "I trouble myself little about it," replied Guloseton, helping himself to some preserves "politics disturb the digestion."

'A thousand pities too, said he, 'that you never speak in the House of Lords. 'Orator fit, said I orators are subject to apoplexy. "Guloseton." So much for my friend, thought I and now for my mother, opening the maternal epistle, which I herewith transcribe: "My dear Henry, "Lose no time in coming to town.

The desert was now on the table. "I have dined well," said Guloseton, stretching his legs with an air of supreme satisfaction; "but " and here my philosopher sighed deeply "we cannot dine again till to-morrow! Happy, happy, happy common people, who can eat supper!