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But the owl-public would have none of me, and, owllike, hooted me off the boards. But I've had my revenge of them. I've played a devil's part on the devil's stage for thirty red years. Nune Plaudite." The Latin tag dropped dead at the porches of John Thoroughgood's ears, but those ears pricked at part of Halfman's declamation.

The term occurs in various Italian and Sicilian documents, anterior to the establishment of the Varangian Guards at Constantinople, and collected by Muratori: as, for instance, in an edict of one of the Lombard kings, "Omnes Warengrangi, qui de extens finibus in regni nostri finibus advenerint seque sub scuto potestatis nostrae subdiderint, legibus nostris Longobardorum vivere debeant," and in another, "De Warengangis, nobilibus, mediocribus, et rusticis hominibus, qui usque nune in terra vestra fugiti sunt, habeatis eos."

Will you put down my cup of tea? Let us go near the fire; Strillone is going to sing again." "I would like him to sing a 'Nune dimittis, Domine, for me," murmured Giovanni, whose eyes were filled with a strange light. Half an hour later Corona d'Astrardente went down the steps of the Embassy wrapped in her furs and preceded by her footman.

I explain by pantomime that the election is not decided; he acknowledges his understanding of my meaning by a nod. He then grows inquisitive about the respective merits of the two candidates. "Gladstone koob or Salisbury koob?" he queries. "Gladstone koob, England, ryot, nune, gusht, kishrnish, pool-Salisbury koob, India, Afghanistan, Ameer, Russia soldier, officer," is the reply.

"Madam, you are most hospitable; and the place altogether seems to be of that description. What a beautiful room! May I sit down? I perceive a fine smell of most delicate soup. Ah, you know how to do things at Flamborough." "Young mon, ye can ha' nune of yon potty. Yon's for mesell and t' childer." "My excellent hostess, mistake me not. I do not aspire to such lofty pot-luck.

Fearful of betraying the extent of their feelings, the two young men rushed on deck together, where they paced backward and forward for many minutes, quite unable to exchange a word, or even a look. O Domine Deus! speravi in te, O care mi Jesu, nune libera me; In dura catena, In misera poena, Desidero te Languendo, gemendo Et genuflectendo, Adora, imploro, ut liberes me. Queen Mary.

He, who robs the King's stores of the least bit of junk, Is hang'd while he's safe, who has plunder'd my Trunk! * There's a phrase amongst lawyers, when nune's put for tune; But, tune and nune both, must I grieve for my Trunk! Huge leaves of that great commentator, old Brunck, Perhaps was the paper that lin'd my poor Trunk!

Knave, give me my due, I like a tart as well as you; But I would starve on good roast beef, Ere I would look so like a thief. The Queen of Hearts. Nune vino pellite curas; Cras ingens iterabimus aequor. Horace. The next morning I received a note from Guloseton, asking me to dine with him at eight, to meet his chevreuil.

Knave, give me my due, I like a tart as well as you; But I would starve on good roast beef, Ere I would look so like a thief. The Queen of Hearts. Nune vino pellite curas; Cras ingens iterabimus aequor. Horace. The next morning I received a note from Guloseton, asking me to dine with him at eight, to meet his chevreuil.