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The recent and prolonged absence of Frederick-Christian had given Prince Gudulfin the opportunity by which he had profited to advance his claims and conspire for the overthrow of the Government, with himself as the King of Hesse-Weimar. Therefore his presence was regarded as a great piece of audacity, and every eye was watching how the Prince would be received.

Prince Gudulfin, after observing the correct formalities, stood before the Queen waiting for the invitation to sit by her side. Hedwige, still preoccupied by the electric lights, seemed to have forgotten him, and the situation was fast becoming embarrassing for the Prince, who could neither go nor stay.

The bandit ends his days in prison." Alexandra sat down and became absorbed in the details, paying no further attention to Prince Gudulfin. At length after a long pause, he spoke bitterly: "This bandit seems to interest you more than I do, Madame." The Grand Duchess made a vague gesture of denial.

On the other hand, if they knew that Juve was not Fantômas, why the devil had this suicide story been invented? A new idea suddenly flashed through Juve's mind. "Suppose that not only the people of Hesse-Weimar but also the Government have been fooled!" A glimpse caught of Prince Gudulfin descending from the private car at the Hesse-Weimar station, was sufficient to start this train of thought.

Prince Gudulfin pleaded so urgently for a tender word, that the adventuress, with the consummate art of the actress, leaned out, whispering: "Hope, Prince, hope ... some day, perhaps ... later ... and remember that even the most virtuous of women, when she cannot give encouragement, is not averse to leaving regrets behind her."

The question in every mind was whether the Grand Duchess Alexandra, a woman of majestic presence and great beauty, would also appear. Prince Gudulfin had been paying her conspicuous attentions, and it was rumored that the Duchess dreamed of a nobler crown than the one her rank gave her title to bear. The appearance of the two at the Queen's reception! What a scandal!

Profiting by this chance, the adventuress adroitly whispered her regrets at the unjust scandal and calumny which had coupled her name with that of Prince Gudulfin. "Sire," she finally murmured, "give me the opportunity of proving my devotion." The two, separated from the others, slowly skated away together.

Furthermore, the Queen was very much exercised over the rumor that the Grand Duchess Alexandra was to be present. This woman, still young and very beautiful, played an important rôle in the small world of the Palace. It was said by the gossips that she accepted the attentions of Prince Gudulfin, in the hope that some day she might share the throne of Hesse-Weimar with him.

Otherwise you would know that the diamond is hidden in the private apartments of the King nobody knows where, not even the Queen. You may easily divine the uneasiness of the people and the advantage the affair gives to Prince Gudulfin." Juve now felt that the King was still in Paris. The problem thus far had become clearer. But under what conditions was he living?

On a siding in the Glotzbourg station stood a private car, which had been placed at the service of the Grand Duchess, waiting to be connected with the Paris express from Berlin. Inside, the Duchess, dressed in a quiet traveling costume, sat talking to Prince Gudulfin. The young man was pale and anxious: "Your orders have been carried out, Madame, are you satisfied?"