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Every time he chanced to pass near Grumps in his elephantine gambols, he gave him a passing touch with his nose, which always knocked him head over heels; whereat Grumps invariably got up quickly and wagged his tail with additional energy. Before the feelings of those canine friends were calmed, they were all three ruffled into a state of comparative exhaustion.

Then young Marston called Crusoe to him, and Crusoe, obedient to the voice of friendship, went. "Are you happy, my dog?" "You're a stupid fellow to ask such a question; however it's an amiable one. Yes, I am." "What do you want, ye small bundle o' hair?" This was addressed to Grumps, who came forward innocently, and sat down to listen to the conversation.

And the second bang! whiz! he shot up to colonel right over the heads of everybody, line and field. Nobody in the Old Tenth grumbled. They saw that he knew his biz. I know all about him. What'll you bet?" "I'm not a betting man, Lieutenant, except in a friendly game of poker," sighed Old Grumps.

Of this we feel quite certain. He would have been unworthy the title of hero if he hadn't. Perchance he thought of Grumps, but of this we are not quite so sure. We rather think, upon the whole, that he did. Dick, too, let his thoughts run away in the direction of home. Sweet word! Those who have never left it cannot, by any effort of imagination, realise the full import of the word "home."

March was very busy trying to finish a letter, which must go at once, and Hannah had the grumps, for being up late didn't suit her. "There never was such a cross family!" cried Jo, losing her temper when she had upset an inkstand, broken both boot lacings, and sat down upon her hat.

We say put up with it advisedly, because it must have been a very great inconvenience to him, seeing that if he attempted to move, his satellite moved in front of him, so that his only way of escaping temporarily was by jumping over Grumps's head. Grumps was everywhere all day. Nobody, almost, escaped trampling on part of him. He tumbled over everything, into everything, and against everything.

Every time he chanced to pass near Grumps in his elephantine gambols, he gave him a passing touch with his nose, which always knocked him head over heels; whereat Grumps invariably got up quickly and wagged his tail with additional energy. Before the feelings of those canine friends were calmed, they were all three ruffled into a state of comparative exhaustion.

I always call Chancery 'it. I wouldn't take its name in vain for worlds. I am too much afraid. I might be made to 'show a cause why, and then be locked up for contempt, which frequently happens after you have tried to 'show a cause. That is what has happened to Grumps. She is now showing a cause; shortly she will be locked up.

Fellows in trouble ought to be like brothers, and I keep on having fits of the grumps. Here, I mean to work with you now." "I know you do," said Aleck, frankly, "but it's enough to make anyone feel savage." "Now, then, where are we going to look for water?" "Right up at the narrowest end of the cave." "Why?" "Because what there is always seems to make for the sea."

Young Marston was there, too, hanging about Dick, whom he loved as a brother and regarded as a perfect hero. Grumps, too, was there, and Fan. Do you think, reader, that Grumps looked at any one but Crusoe? If you do, you are mistaken. Grumps on that day became a regular, an incorrigible, utter, and perfect nuisance to everybody not excepting himself, poor beast!