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“I ask you again, sircontinued the lawyer, following up his success, “whether this old, this friendless old man, did or did not repeatedly forbid your entrance“Why, I must saysaid Hiram, “that he was considerable cross- grained; not what I call clever, seeing that it was only one neighbor wanting to go into the house of another

When I visited it on my little pilgrimage, undertaken a few months ago, it had been repainted and the woodwork grained to represent oak. Even so, it was not cheering. At the upper end, under one of the windows, were ranged five seats on a daïs, with a long baize-covered table before them.

He could neither do nor plan; he could only utter his despair in groans. Two hours later, and while he lay writhing, Richard's inclosure of the French shares arrived by post. Mr. Harley at sight of them came as near fainting as any gentleman coarsely grained and hearty ever comes.

It's a pity she can't get it grained into her that the boy is grown up and must have his fling like the other lads. She'll go out of her mind yet, like her old grandmother Lincoln, if she doesn't ease up. I've a notion to go down to the bridge and reason a bit with her." "Indeed, and you'll do no such thing!" cried Cynthia. "Thyra Carewe is best left alone, if she is in a tantrum.

'And I wish I had a silver dollar, he says, 'for every door like that one there that I've grained to resemble the natural wood so cunningly you'd never guess it hardly. "At that his break didn't faze any one but Ellabelle.

The rock has probably been derived by dynamic metamorphism, from a coarse igneous rock like a gabbro. 7 Epidotic Sericitic Schist. Washkagama Lake. A fine grained compact gray rock, of aggregate structure, consisting chiefly of quartz, plagioclase and biotite, and the alteration products epidote and sericite.

Their warm expressions of delight with Jones's new house, their pleasure in each other's society, their earnest inquiries after each other's welfare, all began to affect me with a sense of unreality, owing to that masquerading 'mansion. I began to think, in such a house, there might be more shams than the marbled plaster or the grained pine. Jones's church is not better.

Certainly if the white pine of Josselyn's day was abundant in the neighborhood of Ararat in Noah's time he could have done no better. The wood is light, soft, close and straight grained. You may search the world for one more easily worked or more generally satisfactory.

A walnut chest of drawers, beautifully grained and well polished, four chairs of the same wood, a large table with one of those green cloth covers sometimes seen in country cottages, a straw-bottom armchair, with a footstool such was the unpretending furniture. There was, too, in the recess in one of the windows, the cage of the two canaries, faithful companions of Miss Dimpleton.

As regards the first of these advantages, it may be stated that the puddling of ordinary Ougree forge iron, which required with other furnaces 900 to 1,000 kilogrammes of coal, is now performed with less than 600 kilogrammes per ton of the iron produced. The puddling of fine grained iron which required 1,300 to 1,500 kilogrammes of coal is now done with 800.