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'They are poor people, says the good-for-nothing fellow, 'they have already misery enough; and God be praised, we have never yet been in want of bread. "Thus was he ever," remarked Vila. "I thought he would become more reasonable, and learn to think a little of himself. He was always too devout." "Devout!" exclaimed the wife: "ah heavens! your honour, we now come in earnest to the foul spot.

I think, Fred, I must get you bound apprentice and give you regular work to do, you good-for-nothing." We need scarcely say that the captain jested, for Fred was possessed of a spirit that cannot rest, so to speak, unless at work. He was able to do almost anything after a fashion, and was never idle for a moment.

Susie was, besides, conscious of her own innocence. With others she had sometimes been coquettish, very coquettish. To torment them a little, was that such a great crime? They had nothing to do, they were good-for-nothing, it occupied them while it amused her. It helped them to pass their time, and it helped her, too. But Susie had not to reproach herself for having flirted with Jean.

She retreated, and this brought her into view of Cora. It was Ida Giles! Cora leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the man. She was startled to see that he was that good-for-nothing Lem Gildy. "Come on," growled Lem, "fork over some cash." "I haven't any. Oh, please, Lem, let me pass!" He took another step toward her with outstretched hands, and Ids shrank back. She screamed, but Lem only sneered.

Give me your money, if this runaway trick, which I have expected, does not offend you." In my opinion, the man may take his price, and be secure from any punishment: you wittingly purchased a good-for-nothing boy: the condition of the contract was told you. Nevertheless you prosecute this man, and detain him in an unjust suit.

Sheer off or you may meet with harm." "Why, you young good-for-nothing, if you have not venison, it is not from any will not to take it; you are out in pursuit of it, that is clear. Come, come, you've the wrong person to deal with: my orders are to take up all poachers, and take you I will."

In the main, however, the story cannot have been derived from Latium, but can only have been the good-for-nothing invention of the old "gossip-monger" himself.

V. Those apologies, therefore, in which men take refuge as an excuse for their devoting themselves with more plausibility to mere inactivity do certainly not deserve to be listened to; when, for instance, they tell us that those who meddle with public affairs are generally good-for-nothing men, with whom it is discreditable to be compared, and miserable and dangerous to contend, especially when the multitude is in an excited state.

He was a red-faced, impudent, good-for-nothing dog, evidently accustomed to take things as they came, and to make the best of a bad job. He sold as many cigars as he could, and smoked the rest. He occupied the shop as long as he could make peace with the landlord, and when he could no longer live in quiet, he very coolly locked the door, and bolted himself.

Now to-morrow I shall ask the good people that bring me my food to fetch some nice eggs and milk for thee as well; for bread is good enough for poor old good-for-nothing me, but not for thee. And I shall teach thee to read." "I can yead, I can yead." "Ay, verily, so young? all the better; we will read good books together, and I shall show thee the way to heaven.