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To the clever, highly-trained mind of the Girton girl Toni's whole personality was so appallingly feeble. "The brains of a hen, and the soul, probably, of a chorus-girl." So Miss Loder, quite unjustly, summed up Toni. "Married the man to get out of a life of drudgery, I expect, and is as much of a companion to her husband as a pretty little Persian cat would be.

In 1871, Miss Clough started in England the lectures for women which led to the establishment of Newnham and Girton at Cambridge, and opened Oxford to women. Now women can study almost any subject they like at these universities and take the same examinations as the men.

The woman's heart unconsciously goes out to him." "Do men never marry for money?" inquired the Girton Girl. "I ask merely for information. Maybe I have been misinformed, but I have heard of countries where the dot is considered of almost more importance than the bride." "The German officer," I ventured to strike in, "is literally on sale.

The writers who rail against the women of this date are really describing the women of ten years ago. Why, the Girton girl of ten years ago seems a different creation from the Girton girl of to-day. Yet the latter has been the steady outgrowth of the former!" "And the difference between them?" asked the Disagreeable Man; "since you pride yourself on being so well informed."

His girl wife, of whom he was passionately fond, had taken it quite seriously and had committed suicide. A foolish thing to do." "Man is a beast!" said the Girton Girl, who was prone to strong expression. "I thought so myself when I was younger," said the Woman of the World. "And don't you now, when you hear a thing like that?" suggested the Girton Girl.

Girls catch the infection of slang; and thus, while sweet young ladies are leading beautiful lives at Girton and Newnham, their sisters of society are learning to use a language which is a frail copy of the robust language of the drinking-bar and the racecourse.

Gerda might be forever mediocre in any form of artistic expression, but she was an artist, with the artist's love of merit and scorn of the second-rate. They went to "Mary Rose" with some girl cousins of Barry's, two jolly girls from Girton. Against their undiscriminating enthusiasm, Gerda and her fastidious distaste stood out sharp and clear, like some delicate etching among flamboyant pictures.

"To the unknown heroine" I dedicate my respect, as the Athenians dedicated an altar to "the unknown hero." Will you be the heroine? I am afraid you won't! To Miss Girton, Cambridge. Dear Miss Girton, Yes, I fancy Gerard de Nerval is one of that rather select party of French writers whom Mrs. Girton will allow you to read. But even if you read him, I do not think you will care very much for him.

Arthuret's lamentation to the Vicar that dear Arthurine did so miss intellectual society, such as she had been used to with the High School mistresses two of whom had actually been at Girton! 'Does she not get on with Bessie Merrifield? he asked. 'Miss Bessie has a very sweet face; Arthurine did say she seemed well informed and more intelligent than her sister.

"That I can quite understand," he said, with a smile, "the average German woman differs as widely in her ideas I do not say aspirations, for she has none from your little group of theorists at Girton as the poles are apart." "But do not think," she replied, rallying, "that I am in the least shaken because I see that the difficulty is greater than I have looked for.