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Gim'me that hank'cher! Fantods is played out. I would ruther play leap frog over a buzz-saw than than pester and rile Marse Alfred, and have the cunstable clawing my collar." "You poor, pitiful, rascally, cowardly creetur! Whar's that oath you done swore, to help 'fend Miss Ellie's child? And you a deacon, high in the church!

Don't get mad with me, Miss Leo; I am bound to clare my conscience, and now I have done all I could, I am gwine to leave my poor young mistiss' child in God's hands, and in yourn, Miss Leo; and when I come back, you must gim'me an account of your stewudship. You are enuff like Miss Marcia, not to shirk your duty; and as you do, by that pussecuted child, I pray the Lord to do by you."

Lem'me take off your overcoat, sir, and gim'me your hat, and make yourself comfortable, here by the jam of the chimbly." "No, Bedney, I can't spare the time, and I only want a little business matter settled before I get back to town to my office. Thank you, Dyce, this is an old-time rocker sure enough. It is a regular 'Sleepy Hollow." Mr.

"Then you don't think of leaving to-morrow morning?" asked Count Bunker, who was watching him with a complacent air. "Mein Gott, no fears!" "We had better wait, perhaps, till the afternoon?" "I go not for tree veeks! Gaben sie das ist, gim'me zat tombler. Vun more of mountain juice to ze health of all Galloshes! Partic'ly of vun! Eh, old Bonker?"

Now we can pole back!" yelled Don, scrambling to his feet to snatch his pole. He looked about but the pole had been washed off when the corner of the raft went under water. "Hi, there, Dot, gim'me yours quick!" cried Don, as he saw the raft slowly turn about and go out into the current again. Dot rolled off of her pole, upon which she had been lying, thereby saving it from the water.

He was plain militia, a good man in a fight, but inclined to resent discipline. He grinned affably as I broke through the woods and lowered his rifle. "Gim'me some tobacker," he demanded good-naturedly. "I suppose you'd want the parole," I replied, fishing out a twist of Virginia leaf. "I got that. It's 'Kanawha. What I want is tobacker. Don't hurry. Le's talk.

Some of the smaller boys, more intent upon the acquisition of coppers than they were upon the solemnity of the ceremony, rather marred its effect by closing up their hymn with "Christ is born, gim'me some money!" but most of them behaved with the utmost propriety, and left us greatly pleased with a custom so beautiful and appropriate.

It smells of asafoetida and camphor, and looks like it had recently been tied around somebody's sore throat." "Marse Alfred, I will swear on a stack of Bibles high as the 'Piscopal church steeple, that Bedney Darrington gim'me that same blue hankcher, and he said he found it. I wasn't with him when he found it, but I hardly think he would 'a stole a' old rag like that.

He refused to accept more than one statement at a time, to consider more than one person at a time, or to do more than one thing at a time. "Gim'me five pounds of beans, two of sugar, and half a pound of tea!" demanded Mrs. Max. Merker deliberately laid aside his pipe, deliberately moved down the aisle behind his counter, deliberately filled his scoop, deliberately manipulated the scales.