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And he replied quickly, "I shall resign my commission in the army, and cast my lot with my people and my State. Alas! I may never see Franco again!" "I trust you have acted wisely," replied the young wife, thoughtfully. "But, oh, George, see Defiance. See how the dying sun gilds the flag, the new flag that has risen above the old one that floated there when I was here a school-girl.

The same sun which gilds all nature, and exhilarates the whole creation, does not shine upon disappointed ambition. It is something that rays out of darkness, and inspires nothing but gloom and melancholy. Men in this deplorable state of mind find a comfort in spreading the contagion of their spleen.

Often is he tearfully, if at the same time smilingly, pathetic. Seriousness, certainly, is not his forte, and he is not given to homilies and moral essays. Usually he gilds homoeopathic pills of wisdom with a thick coating of humor. Yet, now and then, his vein is an earnest vein, and he speaks from the abundance of a tender and deeply-moved heart.

When fresh he rears his radiant orb to sight, And gilds old ocean with a blaze of light, Bright as the star that fires the autumnal skies, Fresh from the deep, and gilds the seas and skies: Such glories Pallas on her chief bestowed, Such sparkling rays from his bright armour flowed, Such sparkling rays from his bright armour flowed, Onward she drives him headlong to engage, furious Where the war bleeds, and where the fiercest rage. fight burns, thickest

Casting about for the means of thus refining upon and saving the character of French literature, he accepted that influx of Renaissance taste, which, leaving the buildings, the language, the art, the poetry of France, at bottom, what they were, old French Gothic still, gilds their surfaces with a strange, delightful, foreign aspect passing over all that Northern land, in itself neither deeper nor more permanent than a chance effect of light.

"I steal within the window, and through the cottage door, And my presence like a blessing gilds with smiles the broad earth o'er; The brooks and streams flow dancing and sparkling in my ray, And the merry, happy children in the golden sunshine play."

Brentano's essay is only referred to because of the paucity of works on the subject, as it is fanciful and unsatisfactory. No thorough and scholarly description of the craft gilds exists. On the other hand, a considerable body of original materials is easily accessible in English, as in the following works: Riley: Memorials of London and London Life. Smith, Toulmin: English Gilds.

Imagine all this in thy mind if thou canst, at least as ye may imagine a tale of enchantment told by a minstrel, and then tell me what shouldst thou deem that the life of men would be amidst all this, men such as these men of the township here, or the men of the Canterbury gilds."

Thus sin oft gilds the onward path of youth, Till straying far from virtue and from truth, Heaven's bright, pure rays, in fearful distance gleam; While on the mind the blasting, clinging shade, With deathless power, refuses still to fade Till life's dark close unfolds the fearful dream. The Fireside, is a seminary of infinite importance.

The warbling woodland, the resounding shore, The pomp of groves, and garniture of fields; All that the genial ray of morning gilds, And all that echoes to the song of even; All that the mountain's shelt'ring bosom shields, And all the dread magnificence of heaven; O how canst thou renounce, and hope to be forgiven! ..... These charms shall work thy soul's eternal health, And love, and gentleness, and joy, impart.