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I dinna say, and I winna say, but he's a velliable assistant to me, an' I shouldna wish to pairt wi' him. If he'd only shave off yon beard, an' let himsel' be decently happed in good claiths, why he might pass in ony gentleman's gerden for a skeelful buttanist." "Is he as good a kitchen gardener as he is in the green-house, and among the flowers?"

Lanigan," said Esther, and her breath was checked by a hysteric hiccup, "Mr. Lanigan, you are to bring up the key of the green-room, and plenty of venison, roast beef, and a bottle of wine! There!" "Baal, Maisther Lanigan, I winna stay langer under this roof; it's nae cannie; I'll e'en gang out, and ha'e some nonsense clavers wi' yon queer auld carl i' the gerden.

No one man could manage your gerden, and it canna be managed without some clever chiel, what understands the sceence." "The what?" "The sceence, your honor." "Why, confound you, sir, what science is necessary in gardening?" "I tell your honor that the management of a gerden requires baith skeel and knowledge, and feelosophy." "Why, confound you, sir, again, what kind of doctrine is this?"

"Ay, ay, Lanigan's a kind-hearted old fool, and that's just like him; but, in the meantime, let me see this chap." "There he is, your honor, trimming, and taking care of that bed of 'love-lies-bleeding." "Ay, ay; I dare say my daughter set him to that task." "Na, na, sir. The young leddy hasna seen him yet, nor hasna been in the gerden for the last week."

"Weel, your honor, guid troth, 'am sairly puzzled there; hoot, no, sir; de'il a thing almost he kens about the kitchen gerden a' his strength lies among the flowers and in the green-house." "Well, well, that's where we principally want him. I sent for you, Malcomson, to desire you'd raise his wages the laborer is worthy of his hire; and a good laborer of good hire.

Noo, there's the filbert trees, ma friend, of whilk ane is male and the tither female; and the upshot e'en is, Andy, that de'il a pickle o' fruit ever the female produces until there's a braw halesome male tree planted in the same gerden. But, ou, man, Andy, wasna yon she and that bonnie jaud, Connor, that we met the noo? De'il be frae my laul, but I jalouse she's aff wi' him this vara nicht."