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Updated: August 21, 2024
"Indeed, sir," said the shepherd, "though my wife is full as unwilling to be in debt as myself, yet I could hardly prevail on her to consent to my paying this money just then, because she said it was hard I should not have a taste of the gentleman's bounty myself. But for once, sir, I would have my own way.
Ware," said Celia, slowly, "that to be seen sitting and talking with me, whatever doubts it may raise as to a gentleman's intellectual condition, need not necessarily blast his social reputation beyond all hope whatever." Theron stared at her, as if he had not grasped her meaning. Then he winced visibly under it, and put out his hands to implore her. "Forgive me! Forgive me!" he pleaded.
The Messenger was somewhat later up than himself, and Wilton sent twice to hasten his movements. When he did appear, he had to be informed of the young gentleman's purposes, and of the information he had obtained the night before; and this information Wilton could of course communicate only in part.
In this interval we shall present our readers with a very curious discourse, as we apprehend it, concerning public schools, which passed between Mr Joseph Andrews and Mr Abraham Adams. They had not gone far before Adams, calling to Joseph, asked him, "If he had attended to the gentleman's story?" He answered, "To all the former part."
The Europeans reside about two miles to the west of the native town, and have commodious houses, with fine spacious gardens; they are built of brick and much after the form of a gentleman's seat in England, but on a larger scale. I proceeded to the house of the collector, and on my road, my horse taking fright, I was thrown, and lost my purse containing all my money.
Some people are unkind enough to say that, behind her tears, she conceals a worldly and ambitious soul. "Now, we are going to the gentleman's box at the Opera to-night, and M. le Baron de Macumer will visit us there." "Macumer needs a touch of the spur then," said my father, smiling at me, as though I were a female ambassador. "You mistake Clarissa Harlowe for Figaro!"
Sewell's account of the old gentleman's tragic end. Mr. Jaffrey then went on to give me a history of Andy's first six months, omitting no detail however insignificant or irrelevant.
He opened the door himself, at their ring, and they found themselves in a large, gray room which went to the roof, with its vaulted ceiling; this was pierced with a vast window, that descended half-way down the northward wall. "My studio started in life as a gentleman's stable; then it fell into the hands of a sculptor, and then it got as low as a painter." He said to Charmian, "Mr.
The breezy Admiral kept up this conversation, punctuated with little taps, each one of which left its crimson trace on the old gentleman's white shirt-front, until the whole shilling's-worth was placed in position. Mr. Bankes-Stanhope was too irate to notice these little manoeuvres; he maintained his hectoring tone, and never glanced down at his shirt-front.
I used to press off the elder gentleman's coat he had only two one of them I made myself when he first came to New York but he has forgotten all about it now," and the little tailor purred softly. "If you had pressed out his morals, Isaac, it would have helped some." "They didn't need it. He was a very quiet young man and very polite; not so fat, or so red or so rich, as he is now.
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