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A strong temper is not necessarily a bad temper. But the stronger the temper, the greater is the need of self-discipline and self-control. Dr. Johnson says men grow better as they grow older, and improve with experience; but this depends upon the width, and depth, and generousness of their nature.

I do not refer to the presents, the free-handed generousness, the high abundance, but to the fineness of courtesy and consideration and tact, and to the sympathy that was real sympathy in that it was understanding.

In what ways are Portia and Jessica alike in the generousness of love though opposite in circumstances? Is Jessica's elopement to blame for her father's joy in the wreckage of Anthonio's ships and his final exaction of the bond? Was it introduced in the Plot for this purpose? Shakespeare's creed of love as engendered in the eyes may be illustrated by passages in many other plays as well as this.

Himself pure haole, New England born, he kissed Bella first, arms around, full-hearty, in the Hawaiian way. His alert eye told him that there had been a woman talk, and, despite the signs of all generousness of emotion, that all was well and placid in the twilight wisdom that was theirs.

"I ain't taken care of myself ever since I was a kid for nothin'." "And it's just because of that that I'm not going to," he said gently. "You are so big and generous that you challenge me to equal generousness. I'm not marrying, and I'm not well, loving without marrying, though I've done my share of that in the past. I'm sorry I came here to-day and met you.

Skiff Miller shook his head, no longer belligerent, but kindly, quick to be generous in response to generousness. "I had five dogs," he said, casting about for the easiest way to temper his refusal. "He was the leader. They was the crack team of Alaska. Nothin' could touch 'em. In 1898 I refused five thousand dollars for the bunch.

We are not to question the sincerity and generousness of this movement, however it may have halted and lost enthusiasm in many localities. It cannot be doubted that at the close of the war there was a general desire among the freedmen to be instructed in the rudiments of knowledge at least.

If there was any general favorite it was John; for while his poverty excited the sympathy of all, his manliness and generousness of heart made everybody his friend, and so, when Sampson got the boys quiet, he announced: "G-g-gentlemen of the order of the c-c-cellar-door, the story-teller for th-the evening is our friend Harlan. P-p-please c-come forward to the t-top, Mr. Harlan."

But he said it faintly then, and more faintly on the days following, for inactivity again enervated him made him, for the first time in his life, feel almost old. Apparently the Applebys' customers had liked "The T Room" well enough some of them had complimented Mrs. Appleby on the crispness of her doughnuts, the generousness of her chicken sandwiches.

We are not to question the sincerity and generousness of this movement, however it may have halted and lost enthusiasm in many localities. It cannot be doubted that at the close of the war there was a general desire among the freedmen to be instructed in the rudiments of knowledge at least.