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"Well, if that doesn't beat everything!" she exclaimed. "I was callin' my cat; his name is Lucy Lucy Larcom; sometimes we call him 'Luce' for short.... Eh? Heavens and earth! Don't do THAT!" But Galusha had already done it. The dervish dance in his head had culminated in one grand merry-go-round blotting out consciousness altogether, and he had sunk down upon the sofa.

This was the outcome of his brilliant idea which was to save the Phipps' home... and its owner's peace of mind... and Primmie... and .... Oh, dear me! dear me! Galusha walked slowly across the room to the chair by the window, and, sitting down, continued to stare hopelessly at the letter in his hand. He read it for the second time, but this rereading brought no comfort whatever.

Anybody that has walked 'way down here, a night like this, on an empty stomach " She paused, laughed, and exclaimed, "Of course, I don't mean you walked on your stomach, exactly, Mr. Bangs." Galusha smiled, feebly. "There were times when I began to think I should be forced to," he said. "I don't doubt it. There, there! now don't try to talk any more till you've had something to eat.

His was a sensitive spirit, although a quiet, shy and "queer" one, and to find that he was "no good" at any particular employment, even though he had felt fairly certain of that fact beforehand, hurt more than he acknowledged to others. Galusha went to Arizona because his aunt, to whose kindness and generosity he owed so much, wished him to do so.

We've got so we think we don't need a pilot or a chart, but are so everlasting smart we can cruise anywhere on our own hook. 'Why, father, said I, 'what do you mean? He glared at me then. 'Mean? he asked. 'I mean we've had guidance offered to us, offered to us over and over again, and we've passed it by on the other side." She paused. Galusha looked puzzled. "Ah um, yes," he observed.

Nelson isn't very small nor VERY dark, but he was the only male in sight that came near answering the description. As a matter of fact " She hesitated, colored, and looked as if she had said more than she intended. Galusha, who had not noticed her embarrassment, asked her to go on.

"Why why but !" exclaimed the young man. "Thank you. Yes, if ah if you will be so good," said Galusha. The young man himself asked questions, and then called Mr. Minor into consultation, and Mr. Minor asked more. The answers they received were not illuminating, but in the end the transaction was made as requested.

"If it is really necessary for you to go to-morrow, Mr. Bangs," he said, "I think you're strong enough to risk it." "Thank you, Doctor," said Galusha. Then he added, with his little smile, "I couldn't go before to-morrow. You see, I ah haven't any hat."

The Restabit Inn was closed for the season. Slowly, Galusha, tugging the suitcase, stumbled to the edge of the piazza. There he collapsed, rather than sat down, upon the upper step. Above him, upon the piazza roof, the rain descended heavily. The flashlight dimmed and went out altogether. "OW ooo -ooo ooo OOO!!" whooped the foghorn. Later, just how much later he never knew exactly, Mr.

Galusha Bangs, who had been at first much amused, began to be bored. Incidentally he was extremely sorry for Lulie, poor girl, who was compelled to be present at this ridiculous exhibition of her father's obsession. Heavy breathing sounded near at hand, growing steadily heavier until it became a snore.