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He had said to her more than once even before his absence: "You keep the key of the cupboard, and I foresee that when we're married you'll dole me out my sugar by lumps." She had replied that she rejoiced in his assumption that sugar would be his diet, and the domestic arrangement so prefigured might have seemed already to prevail.

We mothers love to foresee and foretell our children's lives even before they are born, and are very apt to be disappointed if they do not turn out as we planned. I know I am yet I really have no cause to complain and am learning to see that all we can do is to give the dear boys good principles and the best training we may, then leave them to finish what we have begun." And Mrs.

"I foresee, madam," he said to Henriette, "all the difficulty I shall have in defending myself against the prayers of all my friends, who will beg of me to introduce them to you." "You need not have much trouble on that score: you know that I never, receive anyone." Dubois did not again venture upon speaking of introducing any friend.

Some miraculous chance may befriend you; yet this is scarcely to be hoped. It is a visionary and fantastic base on which to rest our security. I cannot forget that my unfortunate temerity has created this evil. Yet who could foresee this consequence of my intelligence?

Then Jurgen set about that which Mother Sereda said was necessary. Of Compromises on a Wednesday So it was that, riding upon a horse whose bridle was marked with a coronet, the pawnbroker returned to a place, and to a moment, which he remembered. It was rather queer to be a fine young fellow again, and to foresee all that was to happen for the next twenty years.

This action of his own vanity was however a recognition of inferiority which wounded him; but Maxime divined that unpleasant reaction, easy to foresee in so clever a mind, and he applied a balm instantly by putting himself at the discretion of the young man. "Will you do something for me that will facilitate my retreat from the Olympic circus by a fine marriage? I will do as much for you."

It is easy to foresee the grave consequences that such a division in the popular educational system would produce the germs of discord and religious animosity that would be sown, the trouble that would in time arise from separating young people into groups professing different faiths.

He had brought her, he had brought all, to the point at which he aimed. To-morrow his triumph awaited him. To-morrow he who had cast her down would raise her up. He did not foresee what a day would bring forth. The sun was an hour high, and in Angers the shops and booths, after the early fashion of the day, were open or opening.

Letter of Oct. 14, 1843, compared with that of Oct. 25. Shortly after I wrote to the same friend thus: "My intention is, if nothing comes upon me, which I cannot foresee, to remain quietly in statu quo for a considerable time, trusting that my friends will kindly remember me and my trial in their prayers. And I should give up my fellowship some time before any thing further took place."

The hard man sends him off without a scruple to that office-stool; the soft man assures him that there is much merit in his MS. Oh, my young aspirant, if ever such a one should read these pages, be sure that no one can tell you! To do so it would be necessary not only to know what there is now within you, but also to foresee what time will produce there.