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"Does that fool imagine I am going to keep still and let him practice on me?" the latter asked himself, an instant before discharging his rifle, whose bullet went straight through the dusky miscreant and sent him toppling off the side of the ledge as dead as dead could be.

He had started four or five newspapers, and all had failed, because he would not keep his pen quiet on the subject of slavery. New England must have cotton, and cotton could not be produced without slaves. Garrison was a fool. All good Christians refused to read his vile sheet, and businessmen declined to advertise with him or to subscribe to his paper.

But it beats me, it do, to think what child could be such a fool as to try to cross that there water such a thing's ne'er happened before. Mr. Mildmay did not like to give in, though he knew there was sense in what Tobias said. He stood hesitating, one boot half off, but there was not long to wait.

He had wished to believe what he had so earnestly desired should be. Possibly he had closed his eyes to facts and indications which might have enlightened him if he had been on the look-out for them. Possibly well, there! he had played the fool unconsciously, and he was not the first. It only remained for him now to play the man.

"An old Navvy trick, that is don't let 'em fool ye, boys! You jest wait, 'n' I'll tell ye 'when t' shoot, er whether t' shoot at all. They can't fool ME now I'm tellin' yuh!" After that they were silent, listening strainedly to the growing sounds of approach. There was the dull, unmistakable click of a hoof striking against a rock, the softer sound of treading on yielding soil.

"I suppose he thinks that steamboat belongs to him." "Certainly he does," replied Mrs. Wilford. "I don't." "Don't you? Whom does it belong to, then?" "I'm not a fool, mother; I know a thing or two as well as some others. Lawry is not of age." "Neither are you." "I know that, but I'm older than he is." "You are old enough to behave better."

And when pater saw what had been done, he said, "The boy is not so big a fool as I thought."

"I thank the Almighty Father," ejaculated the priest, "that I was able to prevent another murder this night for most assuredly, Raymond, you would have taken his life." "Ho, ho!" exclaimed the fool, with a little of his former ferocity, "sure it was for that I brought him here aye, aye, nothin' else."

While he was revolving these things in his mind, and preparing himself for the interview with his uncle which could not but be a stormy one, he saw Hugh Redgauntlet come riding slowly back to meet them without any attendants. Cristal Nixon rode up as he approached, and, as they met, fixed on him a look of inquiry. 'The fool, Crackenthorp, said Redgauntlet, has let strangers into his house.

"He asked me whether anyone had ever approached the old lord about the restoration, and I said the Rector had written, and never got an answer." "It wasn't to the old lord he wrote," Mr Sharnall cut in; "it was to this very man. Didn't you know it was to this very man? No one ever thought it worth ink and paper to write to old Blandamer. I was the only one, fool enough to do that.