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But there was a singular flushing of his handsome face in the act that stirred her with a strange pity, made her own cheek hot with sympathy, and compelled her to look at him more attentively.

"Sir Philip hath taken a very hard resolution," wrote Walsingham to Davison, "to accompany Sir Francis Drake in this voyage, moved thereto for that he saw her Majesty disposed to commit the charge of Flushing unto some other; which he reputed would fall out greatly to his disgrace, to see another preferred before him, both for birth and judgment inferior unto him.

"What do you mean, sir?" inquired Mr. Cutler, amazed, but flushing angrily at being addressed so uncivilly. "These are not the stones you brought to me yesterday," said Mr. Arnold, who was also very angry. "Sir!" exclaimed Justin Cutler, aghast, but with haughty mien.

"Well, but he is able to bear it; they are not: I cannot bring myself to see the right of it." "Nor will you, my lady, so long as you cannot bring yourself to see the good they get by it. My lady, when I was trying my best with poor Kelpie, you would not listen to me." "You are ungenerous," said Clementina, flushing. "My lady," persisted Malcolm, "you would not understand me.

Carringford, her own cheeks flushing. What mother can look at her little daughter when she is charmingly dressed without being proud of her? She turned questioningly to Janice. "Does your father know about this?" "Daddy quite approves," said Janice demurely. "I never could get any wear out of them. You can see that, Mrs. Carringford. "And if you let Amy wear them, we'll both be so happy!" Mrs.

Terry was furious to feel herself flushing. "Oh, nothing. He just I it was Say, how did you know we'd quarrelled?" And suddenly all the fat woman's apathy dropped from her like a garment and some of the old sparkle and animation illumined her heavy face. She pushed her glass aside and leaned forward on her folded arms, so that her face was close to Terry's.

The fishermen regardless of the driving mist, which, settling on their flushing coats and sou'-westers, ran off them in streamlets kept turning their eyes seawards, endeavouring to penetrate the increasing gloom. "Here comes Adam Halliburt!" exclaimed one of them, turning round; "we shall hear what he thinks of the weather.

"What the devil are they, then?" "Constable Roberts give orders that I was to stay 'ere with you but I can turn me back," returned Bennett, with flushing countenance. "Shall I show the lady in?" "Yes." She came. Her frock was of some clinging gray material that made her look more fairy-like than ever.

But, as you weren't going with him " He paused, an inquiring look in his eyes. He was evidently asking himself why she had not gone with the curate. "I'd rather be left alone, if you don't mind," said she. And then, flushing red again, she added. "I changed my mind and refused to go with Mr. Ives. So he went off to get Mrs. Wentworth instead." I started.

"I can venture to assure you that no embarkation of troops can take place at Boulogne," wrote Nelson, immediately after his first reconnoissance; but he says at the same time, "I have now more than ever reason to believe that the ports of Flushing and Flanders are much more likely places to embark men from, than Calais, Boulogne, or Dieppe; for in Flanders we cannot tell by our eyes what means they have collected for carrying an army."