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The builders' labourers are rather better paid if their employment were not so intermittent with an average of from fourpence halfpenny to fivepence an hour. Carters, too, and vanmen employed by coal-merchants, builders, and other tradesmen in the town, are comparatively well off with constant work at eighteen or twenty shillings a week.

Last year one of the boys, on leaving school, found employment in a large field on the lower slopes of the hills, where he had to collect flints and pile them in heaps, his wage for this dull and tiresome work being no more than fivepence a day.

The two stood together gloating over the dish. "I LOVE cornflowers on things," said Paul. "Yes, and I thought of the teapot you bought me " "One and three," said Paul. "Fivepence!" "It's not enough, mother." "No. Do you know, I fairly sneaked off with it. But I'd been extravagant, I couldn't afford any more. And he needn't have let me have it if he hadn't wanted to."

"And you are also sure of their persons, so that, even in the dusk, you can recognize them? for you know I have never seen them." "Sure as fivepence!" returned the first speaker, to whose mind the lives of the persons referred to were of considerably less value than the sum elegantly specified in his metaphorical reply.

"Four shillings and fivepence and a half-penny," said Comus, reflectively. "It's a ridiculous sum to last me for the next three days, and I owe a card debt of over two pounds." "Yes?" commented Elaine dryly and with an apparent lack of interest in his exchequer statement. Surely, she was thinking hurriedly to herself, he could not be foolish enough to broach the matter of another loan.

The colliers looked round, moved aside, and disclosed the boy. "Here he is!" said Mr. Winterbottom. Paul went to the counter. "Seventeen pounds eleven and fivepence. Why don't you shout up when you're called?" said Mr. Braithwaite.

But it occurred to me immediately, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." The Lord can provide by to-morrow much more than I need; and I therefore sent three pounds to one of the sisters whose quarterly salary was due, and the remaining one pound one shilling and fivepence to the Boys' Orphan House for housekeeping. Thus I am still penniless. My hope is in God; he will provide.

Logotheti quietly pulled his cuff over his hand, produced a pencil instead of his fountain pen, and proceeded to divide five hundred thousand by four hundred and eighty-four to three places of decimals. 'Fifteen and fivepence halfpenny, he said, when he had turned the fraction into shillings and pence, 'and the pounds are just what I said.

He therefore took a small lodging at a cost of nine shillings a week, including fires, where he could enjoy quiet and solitude. His meals he got at a Russian eating-house, dinner costing fivepence, "consequently," he writes to his mother, "I am not at much expense, being able to live for about sixty pounds a year and pay a Russian teacher, who has five shillings for one lesson a week."

Her heart hardened; but then she stooped and took up her dish. "I'll have it," she said. "Yer'll do me the favour, like?" he said. "Yer'd better spit in it, like yer do when y'ave something give yer." Mrs. Morel paid him the fivepence in a cold manner. "I don't see you give it me," she said. "You wouldn't let me have it for fivepence if you didn't want to."