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She dared not retain it longer in her possession; and she would contrive a way in the morning to communicate with Maitland and warn him. Her gaze searched the area where the lamplight fell soft yet strong upon the dark shining wood and heavy brass desk fittings; and paused, arrested by the unusual combination of inverted bowl and super-imposed book.

The stern, boat was waiting alongside a boat of an elegant model, with cushions and polished hardwood fittings. "You steer," observed Loudon. "You know the best place to land." "I never like to steer another man's boat," replied Havens. "Call it my partner's, and cry quits," returned Loudon, getting nonchalantly down the side. Havens followed and took the yoke lines without further protest.

I did persuade him to put fittings into his cistern which fire-engines could use in case of emergency, but he would not insure the building. "Naw! Luck bring me dat I let luck take care of her." "Ah! yass," chimed the wife, "yet still I think mebbee the good God tell luck where to bring her. I'm shoe he got fing-er in that pie." "Ah-ha? Daz all right! If God want to burn his own fing-er "

Passing back through the main cabin I paused to examine one or two of the fittings particularly a neat glass-fronted bookcase, with a small sideboard below it, containing three drawers and a cellaret. The bookcase was empty and clean swept; so also were the drawers.

Giuseppe took himself back to his boat and commenced fussing about its fittings, dusting the seats, plumping up the cushions, with an air of absorption which deceived nobody. The signorina watched him a moment with amused comprehension, then she called peremptorily 'Giuseppe, you know you must spade the garden border. Poor Giuseppe, in spite of his nautical costume, was man of all work.

Ada was still too weak, she discovered, to talk; and her mind had not either sufficiently recovered its clearness to perceive the glaring evasiveness of her servant's replies; so, satisfied that her apprehensions of danger were groundless, she amused herself by examining the fittings of the cabin, and by watching through the open ports the magnificent effect of the setting sun, which now just dipping in the water, seemed to convert the whole ocean into a sheet of liquid gold.

The villa, indeed, and its fittings were of a kind to which I was little used, and at the same time of such beauty that I never ceased to regard all as a creation of an enchanter's wand, or as the drop-scene to some drama which might suddenly be raised and disappear from my sight.

He took in but a few details, but he knew enough about the better fittings of life to realize that he was in the presence of both money and the best of taste.

We agreed to separate, accordingly; but he took me on board in his own boat with the hard-wood fittings, and entertained me on the way with an account of his late visit to Butaritari, whither he had gone on an errand for Carthew, to see how Topelius was getting along, and, if necessary, to give him a helping hand. But Topelius was in great force, and had patronised and well out-manoeuvred him.

The first to come up from the depths of the ship was an engineer. From what he is reported to have said it is probable that the steam fittings were broken and many were scalded to death when the Titanic lifted. He said he had to dash through a narrow place beside a broken pipe and his back was frightfully scalded. Right at his heels came the stokers.