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"Factory makes electric fittin's an' such-like, an' ships 'em abroad," he said, tersely. "Happen you don't unnerstan' the business? Happen the marster won't want you. Happen you'll 'ave ter move on, I'm a-thinkin'." "Happen I won't!" retorted Cleek, with a loud guffaw. "S'welp me, you chaps, ain't none uv you a-goin' ter lend a 'and to a mate wot's out uv a job? What's the blooming mystery?

Superior fittin's, net on the roof, baggage platform, pistol 'olsters the most com-plete and the most gen-teel turn-out I ever see! The 'ole for seventy-five pound! It's as good as givin' her away!" "Do you propose I should trundle it myself, like a hawker's barrow?" said I. "Why, my good man, if I had to stop here, anyway, I should prefer to buy a house and garden!"

"Then old Dixland announces that he has discovered somethin' wrong in the principle of the thing, and they had to wait while he ordered some new fittin's from Boston. "Meanwhile there was other complications settin' in. Scudder was kept busy providin' grub and such like and helpin' the niece, Olivia, with the housework.

Superior fittin's, net on the roof, baggage platform, pistol 'olsters the most com-plete and the most gen-teel turn-out I ever see! The 'ole for seventy-five pound! It's as good as givin' her away! 'Do you propose I should trundle it myself, like a hawker's barrow? said I. 'Why, my good man, if I had to stop here, anyway, I should prefer to buy a house and garden!

It'll be a makeshift job at the best, because I have so few spa-aw fittin's, an' no chance of makin' a castin', but I'll bet a ye'aw's scwew the Kansas gets a move on her undaw her own steam soon aftaw New Ye-aw's Day." New Year's Day! What a lump in the throat the words brought. In three days it would be Christmas, in seven more the New Year!

Tell us a bit more about them there fishin' boats wot you spoke uv. I'm that interested, I've been fair eaten up with curiosity. Yer didn't mean the master of this plyce goes and ships electrical fittin's and such-like out to Belgium in fishin' boats strite, eh?" "Yus." Jenkins nodded. "That's exactly what I do mean. Seems sort er funny, don't it?

'Hullo! says you; 'that's a pretty-lookin' craft o' your'n. 'She'll work in' an' out o' most places, says I. 'Speedy too, I reckon, says you, 'for a hard-wood ship; though a bit fine forra'd. A wet boat, I doubt? 'Not a bit, says I; 'that's a mistake strangers are apt to make about the Hannah Hoo. Like to step aboard an' cast a look over her fittin's?

It is all surrounded with water, and has all the appearance of bein' moored to the wharf. It has all the fittin's that belong to the actual ship, and all the appliances for workin' it. Officers, seamen, marines, mechanics, are sent there by the navy department, and the discipline and way of life on a naval vessel is fully shown. I wuz glad to see that it had a woman for a figger-head.

Man, I've handled it, or enough of it to keep you in a coach-an'-six, with nothing to do but loll on cushions for the rest o' your days, an' pick your teeth at the crowd. And look ye here." He waved a hand around the room. "I'm old Danny Coffin, ain't I? poor old drunken Danny Coffin, eh? Yet cast an eye about ye. Nice fittin's, ben't they?