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Peter Fishwick, Attorney-at-Law, not in the glory of brass, but painted in white letters on the green door, undeceived him; and, opening the wicket of the tiny garden, he knocked with the head of his cane on the door. The appearance of a stately gentleman in a laced coat and a sword, waiting outside Fishwick's, opened half the doors in the street; but not that one at which Sir George stood.

The reader may laugh; but if he has ever staked his all on a cast, if he has taken up a hand of twelve trumps, only to hear the ominous word 'misdeal! he will find something in Mr. Fishwick's attitude neither unnatural nor blameworthy.

But he continued to stare at the page with a face struck suddenly sallow, while the hand that rested on the corner of the book shook as with the ague. 'Nothing? the old man said, staring suspiciously at him. 'I do believe it is something. I do believe it is money. Well, it is five shillings to extract. So there! That seemed to change Mr. Fishwick's view.

He paused before a dozen neat houses with brass knockers and painted shutters, and took each in turn for the lawyer's. But when he came to the real Mr. Fishwick's, and found it a mere cottage, white and decent, but no more than a cottage, he thought that he was mistaken. Then the name of 'Mr.

Then, as his ear told him that the horse was slackening, he seized Mr. Fishwick's rein, and backing their horses nearer the hedge, once more drew a pistol from his holster. The startled lawyer discerned what he did, looked in his face, and saw that his eyes were glittering with excitement. But having no ear for hoof-beats Mr.

'No' she snapped, her face more and more forbidding. 'We have no Misses here, and no baggages for fine gentlemen! You have come to the wrong house! And she tried to shut the door in his face. He was puzzled and a little affronted; but he set his foot between the door and the post, and balked her. 'One moment, my good woman, he said. 'This is Mr. Fishwick's, is it not?

When he saw the gentleman issue from his door therefore, still more when Sir George with a kindly smile held out his hand, a condescension which the attorney could not remember that he had ever extended to him before, Mr. Fishwick's prudence took fright. 'Too much honoured, Sir George, he said, bowing low.

Sir George might have wondered what was afoot, if he had not espied over the lawyer's shoulder a round wooden table littered with papers, and guessed that Mr. Fishwick was doing the widow's business a theory which Mr. Fishwick's first words, on recovering himself, bore out. 'I am here on business, he said, cringing and rubbing his hands. 'I don't I don't think that you can object, Sir George.

'Tut-tut! said the don with some brusqueness, his hand still on the door; 'do you want me? He had seen the attorney after the duel, and in the confusion attendant on the injured man's removal; and knew him by sight, but no farther. 'I hem I think you wished to see Mrs. Masterson? was Mr. Fishwick's answer, and the lawyer, but with all humility, made as if he would enter.

'Be that as it may, his lordship was not seriously ill yesterday. To-day I have business of the utmost importance with him, and am willing to wait upon him at any hour. Nevertheless you tell me that I cannot see him to-day, nor to-morrow 'Nor in all probability the next day, the doctor answered grimly. Mr. Fishwick's voice rose almost to a shriek. 'Nor the next day? he cried.