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You see he is afraid I will get hurt every 4th of July, and he told me if I wouldn't fire a fire-cracker all day he would let me get four dollars' worth of nice fire-works and he would fire them off for me in the evening in the back yard. I promised, and he gave me the money and I bought a dandy lot of fire-works, and don't you forget it.

"Knew it from the first time I met him, when he was head assistant here, and placed me under arrest for shooting off a fire-cracker at the gate." At this Captain Putnam laughed outright. "You have a good memory, Thomas, I must say! Well, you are square now, as you boys call it." After the trial of Josiah Crabtree the days flew by swiftly at the Hall.

Then he sprang into his ambulance, and drove away. His prediction proved true we never met again. The morning of the Fourth of July opened serene and peaceful, more so, in fact, than in old times at home, for with us not even the popping of a fire-cracker was heard. And the stillness south of us continued as the day wore on, the big guns of the army and navy remained absolutely quiet.

Yesterday the Emperor, at Peking, after fasting all the previous day, would ascend into the Temple of Heaven, accompanied by two thousand of his highest officials, and worship, while his subjects celebrate the event by this fire-cracker carnival. I was curious to see how a small yawl could be the residence of a family, and examined several of them.

A few mornings after this Russ was suddenly awakened by hearing a loud noise under his window. "What's that?" he cried. "Thunder?" "It's Fourth of July!" answered his father. "Some boy must have shot off a big early fire-cracker! Get up, children! It's Fourth of July, and we are going to have some fun! Get up!" "Hurray!" cried Russ. "Hurray for the Fourth of July!"

Still, Miss Tabby, full of her own subject, scarcely noticed the pain she was inflicting, so she continued: "And jes that minute they happened either to see or to hear me, I don't know which. Anyways, they looks up, and whew! they jumps apart as if a fire-cracker had gone off between 'em! Well, I tells my lady as her child is sick, and she jumps up, impatient like, to go and look after him.

Every circumstance was favorable for a conflagration, the people scattered, the city dry and heated by a July sun, and a high southwesterly wind blowing. It needed only the exciting cause in the shape of a fire-cracker, and lo! half the city was doomed. My youngest brother, at the first sound of the bell, came and begged me to take him to the fire; so I went, to please him. Poor child!

Just as the last fire-cracker went off and Tonio's Judas caught fire, and all three of them were dancing and singing at the top of their lungs, Tonio saw the Señor Maestro himself standing in front of the bench with his hands in his pockets, looking right at them!

"O, Prudy, this world is nothing but one big bubble!" And Prudy replied, sadly, "Seems more like shavings!" You all know how an innocent-looking fire-cracker set Portland ablaze, but you can have little idea of the terror which that woeful Fourth of July night brought to our three little girls.

Thunder?" A long, low rumble made itself heard above the storm. It came again, and yet again. The gloom was lighted for a second by a sudden blaze. "What's that!" exclaimed Jim once more. Between the thunder-peals his ears had caught a single whip-like crack. A stunning crash followed a lurid glare, lighting up sky and sea. Again came the sharp detonation, but little louder than a fire-cracker.