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"Well, as I lay awake that night, two more lines of Swinburne came into my head, and came to stay: "God said 'Let him who wins her take And keep Faustine. "On that couplet I slept at last, and it was my text and watchword when I awoke in the morning.

I emerged from my riverine exploration on to a hillside where the stream rose near a place with the delightfully rustic name of Hinton Belwit. Here the springtime and the bright sun invited me to sit upon a stile and to read of Dolores or Faustine, or The Garden of Proserpine, I know not which.

He went far out of his way to make Fontanares the first inventor of the steamboat; the improbability of such a supposition quite forfeits the interest of the spectators and, in attempting to effect a love denouement, he disgusts us by uniting the noble discoverer with the vile Faustine.

Such was Rome when Verus returned to wed Lucille. Before his car the phallus swung; behind it was the pest. A little before, the Tiber overflowed. Presently, in addition to the pest, famine came. It was patent to everyone that the gods were vexed. There was blasphemy somewhere, and the Christians were tossed to the beasts. Faustine watched them die.

Marcus Aurelius then was occupied with affairs of state. In similar circumstances so was Claud Messalina's husband so, too, was Antonin. But Claud was an imbecile, Antonin a man of the world, while Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher. When fate links a woman to any one of these varieties of the husband, she is blessed indeed. Faustine was particularly favored.

An Australian officer, seeing it at Faustine Quarry, asked if it was the badge of the 74th Division. "Well," he added, "we call you 'Allenby's Harriers, because you are the only Division we can't keep up with." Coming from an Australian that was "some" praise. I don't know which was the more popular the G.O.C. or "Reggie."

Tibullus, whose opening Idyl is as pretty a bit of gasconade about living in a cottage in the country, upon love and a few vegetables, as a maiden could wish for, did not reach the fifties; and Martial, whose "Faustine Villa," if nothing else, entitles him to rural oblation, fell short of the sixties. Varro indulges in some sharp sneers at those who had written on the same subject before him.

I forget how well you know your Swinburne, Bunny; but don't you run away with the idea that there was anything else in common between his Faustine and mine. For the last time let me tell you that poor Faustina was the whitest and the best I ever knew. "Well, I was strung up for trouble when the next Saturday came, and I'll tell you what I had done.

He talked, and the formidable epopee of the Roman legend was evoked, interpreted by the fervent Christian in that mystical and providential sense, which all, indeed, proclaims in that spot, where the Mamertine prison relates the trial of St. Peter, where the portico of the temple of Faustine serves as a pediment to the Church of St.

She would like to have the role of Nathalie in Mont- reveche. She will be recommended to you by Girardin, Dumas and me. I saw her yesterday in Faustine, in which she showed talent. My opinion is that she has intelligence and that one could profit by her.