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This song inspired the fat-headed old gentleman, who made several attempts to tell a rather broad story out of Joe Miller that was pat to the purpose; but he always stuck in the middle, everybody recollecting the latter part excepting himself. The parson, too, began to show the effects of good cheer, having gradually settled down into a doze and his wig sitting most suspiciously on one side.

Lilian sat with bent head. Casting a quick glance at her, Quarrier talked on in a cheerful strain. "I'm afraid he isn't likely to get in. The present member is an old fogey called Welwyn-Baker; a fat-headed Tory; this is his third Parliament. They think he's going to set up his son next time a fool, no doubt, but I have no knowledge of him. I'm afraid Liversedge isn't the man to stir enthusiasm."

"It's bad enough, Drayne, to have to play side partner to you in the biggest game in the year, without having to listen to your fat-headed criticism of better men." Drayne flushed, and might have retorted, had not Wadleigh broken in, in measured tones, yet with much significance in his voice: "Yes, Drayne; cut out all remarks until you've made good.

They would mix up the death and the deal in Rubber Consols, and in their fat-headed confusion would say "Penal Servitude fourteen years." Or no, it was the Judge who fixed that. But the Judges were fools, too; they were too conceited, too puffed up with vanity, to take the trouble to understand. He groaned aloud in a nightmare of helplessness.

"What they are, of course I don't know. They look like men in lots of ways. But well, the Lord knows what's in the sea. Though we don't want to go imagining silly things, of course. And then, again, you know, it seems fat-headed, calling anything silly. That's how I keep going, in a sort of blessed circle.

Grant, for instance, born of an equally fatuous or, shall I say? fat-headed belief that Miss Martin would marry you for the mere asking, led you into deep waters. It was a mistake, too, when you lied to P.C. Robinson as to the time you came home on that Monday night. You told him you walked straight here from the Hare and Hounds at ten o 'clock.

Then, as they reached the door, and Scarlett entered, Nat put on his cap, gave his knee a slap, and with one set of wrinkles disappearing from his countenance to make room for another, like a human dissolving view, he burst out into a low chuckle. "That'll knock the wind out of old Samson's sails! A miserable, cowardly, fat-headed old puddick. He wouldn't have the courage to do that." "Nat!"

It is true, the head of the Prince of Orange disappeared from the sign; a strange bird being painted over it, with the explanatory legend of "DIE WILDE GANS," or The Wild Goose; but this all the world knew to be a sly riddle of the landlord, the worthy Teunis Van Gieson, a knowing man in a small way, who laid his finger beside his nose and winked, when any one studied the signification of his sign, and observed that his goose was hatching, but would join the flock whenever they flew over the water; an enigma which was the perpetual recreation and delight of the loyal but fat-headed burghers of Communipaw.

What right have Pollard and the others to cut in on this coin? You and me, kid, can " "I don't hear you, Denver," interrupted Terry. "I don't hear you. We wouldn't have known where to find the stuff if it hadn't been for Pollard's friend Sandy. They get their share but you can have my part, Denver. I'm not doing this for money; it's only an object lesson to that fat-headed sheriff.

When we told him that it was our duty to take him into custody, he became very abusive, calling us 'Thick-headed John Bulls, 'Fat-headed Englishmen, 'Mutton heads, 'Blasted Britishers, etc. He had also abused the English people in very violent terms." The constables had taken charge of him and handed him over to the customary escort sent after him from camp.