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We can hardly agree with the frightened recruit in the farce, who thinks "Victory or Death" a forbidding war-cry, but "Victory or Wooden Legs" a more appetizing alternative. Beside these complications, there are those arising from the share which conscience has in the matter.

The comedy I had seen had convinced me that farce, inanity, and supreme nonsense, might not only pass current but find partisans; yet proofs in abundance were on record that genius itself had no security against faction, envy, and mistaken opposition. I was at present in a state of warfare: and were judges like these to give the meed of victory?

They're here. As for repudiation, perhaps I have hurried matters. Permit me to go through my story at some length, quoting chapter and verse." She spread open her papers again, after having folded them. "Stop this wretched farce," he almost screamed, for her coolness broke up his never too powerful nervous system. "If I agree what guarantee is there " "Ah! now you're talking reasonably.

R is a gentleman of moral courage and integrity, and, without fear or trembling, openly denounced the corruption and demoralization of the police department. A beautiful farce followed this grave exposition. The board of aldermen, composed of fourteen men of very general standing, remained mum under the accusation for a long time.

This was the most provoking, as Lord Orville was in excellent spirits, and exceedingly entertaining. When the play was over, I flattered myself I should be able to look about me with less restraint, as we intended to stay the farce; but the curtain had hardly dropped, when the box-door opened, and in came Mr.

My, wouldn't it make 'em mad to think how near they'd come to some easy money!" He laughed with relish at the ironical humor of the situation the picture of the California Clarks running hungrily with outstretched hands to grab their piece of Clark's Field. And he laughed with a bitter perception of the underlying farce of human society.

Some day, perhaps, when the present narrow phase of aesthetics has ceased to monopolize the name, the glory of a farcical art may become fashionable. We are very sure, at least, that it is as reasonable to regulate one's life and lodgings by this kind of art as by any other. The whole of this view of farce and pantomime may seem insane to us; but we fear that it is we who are insane.

The tragical farce of Bladensburg, however, had taught him no lesson, and to oppose the five thousand toughened regulars of General Ross he sent out only three thousand green militia most of whom had never been under fire.

To a reader of the present day even to a contemporary of Lamb himself there was something almost amounting to extravagance in the terms of his admiration. Yet Munden was, in his way, a remarkable man; and although he was an actor in farce, he often stood aloof and beyond the farce itself. The play was a thing merely on which to hang his own conceptions.

"My best thanks, sir, to my cousin," said I; "and tell her Royal Highness that I was never better in my life." The farce was over, and Fritz von Tarlenheim's pale face recalled us to reality though, in faith, the farce had to be reality for us now. "Is the King dead?" he whispered. "Please God, no," said I. "But he's in the hands of Black Michael!" A Fair Cousin and a Dark Brother