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"But now, old boy," continued the king, "the times are changed, and with you now-a-days it is everything for Philometor and nothing for poor Euergetes, who, being the younger, is just the one who most needs your assistance."

The road to the rampart of a hostile city lies over corpses, and I, as general and king " Euergetes suddenly broke off in his sentence, for a loud noise and vehement talking were heard outside the door.

"Indeed, that is true," replied Cleomenes, as he turned to drive homeward. "She is worthy to have lived in the days of the first Ptolemies, of Ptolemæus Soter and Philadelphus and Euergetes. She is still very young, only twenty, and yet five years ago she was so fascinating that when Antonius, of whom I have heard you speak, came here with Gabinius's expeditions he quite lost his heart to her.

It is not very polite of him to go off in this way without taking leave; nay, I could call it ungrateful, since I had proposed to tell him on our way home all about my brother Euergetes, who has arrived to-day with his friends. They are not yet acquainted, for Euergetes was living in Cyrene when Publius Cornelius Scipio landed in Alexandria.

"Cleopatra, the widow of Epiphanes, while she was living and acting as guardian of her sons Philometor and Euergetes who now reign in Memphis and Alexandria held Philotas in the highest esteem and conferred on him the rank of 'relation to the king'; but she was just dead when this worthy man took my father's cause in hand, and procured his release from prison.

Euergetes was so bloated with disease that his body was nearly six feet round, and he was made weak and slothful by this weight of flesh. He walked with a crutch, and wore a loose robe like a woman's, which reached to his feet and hands.

"This offering is to Irene, then?" said Publius. "We have not met for a long time; where were you all day yesterday?" "It will be far more entertaining to hear what you were about all the night long. You are dressed as if you had come straight here from Rome. Euergetes has already sent for you once this morning, and the queen twice; she is over head and ears in love with you." "Folly!

"I will salt the wine and meat for them that they fatten on here," cried Euergetes vehemently, "I forbade to-day their presence at my table, for they have good eyes and wits as sharp as their noses. And they are most dangerous when they are in fear, or can reckon on any gains.

"Since the reign of Euergetes II, registered landed property has been unassailable, and his was recorded." "So much the better. Tell the officials also, confidentially, that you know of objections just discovered which may perhaps change the Regent's views." "And, above all, I shall insist upon my right to choose the place for the twin statues.

"These beasts of prey have already had work to do here in Memphis, and are in the service of the king " "Aha! of my gentle brother!" laughed Euergetes. "And he boasts of never having killed any one excepting in battle and now " "But Philometor has a wife," interposed Eulaeus; and Euergetes went on. "Aye, woman, woman! what is there that a man may not learn from a woman?"