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In Fanny, her mother found more joy upon Fanny her mother centered more lavish affection than she could have afforded or realized, had another grown by her tide, to divide the endearments of the household. But, O, the agony she would sometimes feel at the recollection of that year of sorrow! How it would bow her spirit, and run thrilling along the delicate fibres of her heart! That night of woe!

But by the king's orders she had been forced to marry a hunchback a man whose very limbs were so weakened by disease and evil living that they would often fail to support him, and he would fall to the ground, a writhing, screaming mass of ill-looking flesh. It is not surprising that his lovely wife should have shuddered much at his abuse of her and still more at his grotesque endearments.

I could see in the woman's face that she would soon follow him, and even the old man had a look that I had not seen in him before; and here Amroth left me, and I returned to the city, where all was as peaceable as before. But when I saw Cynthia, as I presently did, she too was in a different mood. She had positively missed me, and told me so with many endearments. I was not to remain away so long.

His danger had made her forgetful of her caution such was the assurance of my demon and in the fullness of her heart her voice found utterance. Besides, how was I to know what endearments what fond pressure of palms had been passing between them, making them heedless of their course, and consequently, making them liable to the accident which had occurred.

Two of them clung about her white skirts, the third she took from its nurse and with a thousand endearments bore it along in her own fond, encircling arms. Though, as everybody well knew, the doctor had forbidden her to lift so much as a pin! "Are you going bathing?" asked Robert of Mrs. Pontellier. It was not so much a question as a reminder. "Oh, no," she answered, with a tone of indecision.

I cannot bear to think on her deplorable state. To the shock she received on that our evil day, from which she never completely recovered, I impute her illness. She says, poor thing, she is glad she is come home to die with me. I was always her favourite; "No after friendship e'er can raise The endearments of our early days; Nor e'er the heart such fondness prove, As when it first began to love."

Not satisfied with invading and depriving her of her just rights, he was in the habit of following her into her private haunts, not with the view of offering her any endearments, but for the purpose of inflicting on her person every torment which his brain could invent.

I had a tender, respected and lovely friend, but I sighed for a mistress; my prolific fancy painted her as such, and gave her a thousand forms, for had I conceived that my endearments had been lavished on Madam de Warrens, they would not have been less tender, though infinitely more tranquil. But is it possible for man to taste, in their utmost extent, the delights of love?

Tatho is her husband now, and father to her children, and he seems to have a fondness for her which does him credit." We said other things too in that chamber, those small repetitions of endearments which are so precious to lovers, and so beyond the comprehension of other folk, but they are not to be set down on these sheets.

"Well," Curtis's speech was so unemotional that he might have been describing one of his Manchurian railway schemes "we must treat each other with a certain familiarity even use little endearments in public and address each other by pet names mine is Chow."