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A tract had been recently printed in Holland, entitled "Killing no Murder," which, from the powerful manner in which it was written, made a deeper impression on the public mind than any other literary production of the age. After an address to Polit. No. 345; Bates, Elen. 388; Clarendon Pap. iii. 324, 325, 327; Claren.

She was not a thing of State and jewels, cold and distant like the proud Queen Elen

"Aye," another answered her reverently, "for the love of Santa Elen

His face flushed with pleasure that her resistance seemed conquered. "And when we have found our confessor, shall we go together thou and the little one and I," he asked brightly, "to the Island of Sant' Elen

Of Lancelot, and her passion for him, the old Welsh has nothing to say. Probably Chretien de Troyes, by a happy blunder or misconception, gave Lancelot his love and his pre-eminent part. Lancelot was confused with Peredur, and Guinevere with the lady of whom Peredur was in quest. The second Elaine, the maid of Astolat, is another refraction from the original Elen.

Yes, every one who belonged to Venice. For the young Nicolò, the last survivor of their ancient name, was already set apart from the world by his priestly vows, amid the quiet groves of the island of San Nicolò. It was a pretty romance all those noble councillors, trembling from fear of the extinction of this most ancient and princely house, framing humble petitions to the Holy Father; the youthful monk, leaving the tranquil solitude of his island sanctuary, unfrocked with honor by a Pope's decree, to don the crimson robe of senator and wed the daughter of the Doge! And later, when sons and daughters many had risen up to call them blessed, the old haunting charm of the convent reasserting itself, the return of the Giustinian this solitary link between the long lines of his noble house, before and after to his lonely cell on San Nicolò; the retirement of the Lady Anna from the sweet motherhood of her home to reign as Lady Abbess in the convent of Sant' Elen

"He had need to be brave," Margherita went on when she could command her voice, for the Queen's great eyes were beseeching, "for Queen Elen

The philosophic medley of Clair Lenoir was evident in this work which offered an unbelievable jumble of verbal and troubled observations, souvenirs of old melodramas, poniards and rope ladders all the romanticism which Villiers de L'Isle Adam could never rejuvenate in his Elen and Morgane, forgotten pieces published by an obscure man, Sieur Francisque Guyon.

"And now, my Father," she said, throwing back her head with sudden vigor, and with the dignity of a great resolve, "this is my question, which hath come to me in the watches of the night and will not be denied, and for which I have summoned thee. I being wife to Janus, who hath been crowned King of this people and I, with him, crowned Queen; and by his will left Queen of Cyprus with Council, appointed by him, to help me rule; shall I, a Christian woman a Venetian and not a Cyprian his widow hold this kingdom against Carlotta, who is daughter to the King, the father of my husband and to the rightful Queen, Elen

"To-morrow," said Giustinian Giustiniani, as if in answer to his thoughts, "at dawn of day, there will be Mass in the capello Giustiniani on Sant' Elen