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2 "In quo nobis rem gratissimam facietis ducis enim ipsum propter ejus insignes virtutes et praeclara merita praecipuo affectur et caritate praecipua complectimur." Archivio di Stato, Firenze. With the aim we have no quarrel. It was laudable enough in a Pontiff.

At first she was little thought of; but there came a time when she astonished both her teachers and her companions by a recital which she gave in public. The part was the narrative of Salema in the "Abufar" of Ducis. It describes the agony of a mother who gives birth to a child while dying of thirst amid the desert sands.

In principali vero aula, est plenarie expressa Dani Ducis Ogeri historia, a natiuitate ipsius, quousque in Franciam fantastice dicatur reuersus, cum tempore Caroli magni regis Franciae, ipse Ogerus armata manu conquisiuit Christianitati fere omnes partes transmarinas a Ierosolymis vsque ad arbores solis et Lunae, ac prope paradisum terrestrem.

The attempt of Ducis to make his countrymen acquainted with Shakspeare by modelling a few of his tragedies according to the French rules, cannot be accounted an enlargement of their theatre.

Ducis, who before the Revolution had occupied a post in Monsieur's household, came out from his retreat at Versailles to present his homage to the King. Louis at once recognised him, welcomed him warmly, and recited the best lines of his "Oedipus," scarcely remembered by the aged author. His Majesty was himself the author of several political writings and an account of a "Journey to Coblentz."

CHENIER has produced a whole theatre, which will remain to posterity, notwithstanding his faults, as he has contrived to cover them with beauties. ARNAULT and MERCIER of Compiegne are two young authors that seem to have been educated in the school of DUCIS, who is at this day the father of all the present tragic writers.

Although the literature of France could boast of many men of great talent, such as La Harpe, who died during the Consulate, Ducis, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Chenier, and Lemercier, yet they could not be compared with Lagrange, Laplace, Monge, Fourcroy, Berthollet, and Cuvier, whose labours have so prodigiously extended the limits of human knowledge.

Bonaparte's contempt, or, more properly speaking, his dislike of literature, displayed itself particularly in the feeling he cherished towards some men of distinguished literary talent. He hated Chenier, and Ducis still more. He could not forgive Chenier for the Republican principles which pervaded his tragedies; and Ducis excited in him; as if instinctively, an involuntary hatred.

Mandate of the Pope regarding certain taxes, dated July 21, 1502: Nobili Infanti Johanni Borgia, nostro secundum carnem nepoti; and in another brief, dated June 12, 1502, Dil filii nobilis infantis Johannis Borgia ducis Nepesini delecti filii nobilis viri Cæsaris Borgia de Francia, etc. Archives of Modena. Geradi to Ercole, Rome, September 28th. Datum in civitate Hispali, January 7, 1502.

Quoddam fabulosum scriptum exiuit per partes nostras, quod in praedicta processione circumferatur cumpheretro corpus beati Thomae, qui et in fine processionis populu compopulo communicaret proprijs manibus de Eucharistae sacramento, sed non est ita, et nunquam fuit. De Iaua, et quibusdam aiijs meridionalibus Insulis, et de farina, melle et piscibus Ogeri Ducis Danorum.