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Archivio di Psichiatria, 1902, fasc. ii-iii, p. 338. In the case of pathological sexuality in a boy of 15, reported by A. MacDonald, and already summarized, the sight of copulating flies is also mentioned among many other causes of sexual excitation. Krafft-Ebing presents or quotes typical cases of all these fetiches, Op. cit., pp. 255-266.

Michael Angelo, after making designs for this commission, told the Pope he thought the roof would look poor, because the Apostles were poor folk "perchè furon poveri anche loro." He then began his cartoons for the vault as it now exists. See the letter to Ser Giovan Francesco Fattucci, in the Archivio Buonarroti, Milanesi, pp. 426-427.

See Heath Wilson, pp. 79-87, and the letter to Giuliano di San Gallo in Milanesi's Archivio Buonarroti, p. 377. Michael Angelo appears to have had some reason to fear assassination in Rome. See Michael Angelo's letters to Giovan Francesco Fattucci, and his family. Gotti, pp. 55-65. See the sonnet to Giovanni da Pistoja:

Greene, the American consul at Rome, it was printed in the collections of the New York Historical Society, accompanied by a translation into English by the late Dr. Cogswell. It was subsequently printed in the Archivio Storico Italiano at Florence, in 1853, with some immaterial corrections, and a preliminary discourse on Verrazzano, by M. Arcangeli.

Various writers have insisted on the good moral qualities of prostitutes. Callari, Archivio di Psichiatria, fasc. The charity towards each other, often manifested in distress, is largely neutralized by a tendency to professional suspicion and jealousy of each other. Lombroso believes that the basis of prostitution must be found in moral idiocy.

Those who wish to gain a lively notion of Spanish cruelty in Italy should read, besides the accounts of the Sacco di Roma by Guicciardini and Buonaparte, the narrative of the Sacco di Prato in the Archivio Storico Italiano, vol. i., and Cagnola's account of the Spanish occupation of Milan, ib. vol. iii.

Our Lord augment the imperial state of Your Royal Majesty to the extent your royal person may require. From Rochela of France, the XVIth day of June of M. d. XXIIJ years. Of Y.C.Ca. Ma. the loyal vassal who kisses your very royal feet and hands, Translated from the original in the Archivio de Indias, Seville, in the same hand, says Dr.

It appears from the entry still preserved in the Archivio, and quoted by Cadorin, that it was on the 28th of December, 1340, that the commissioners appointed to decide on this important matter gave in their report to the Grand Council, and that the decree passed thereupon for the commencement of a new Council Chamber on the Grand Canal.

Your Holiness need have no fears, for I shall treat the Duchess in such a way that your Holiness will see that I regard her as the most precious jewel I have in the world. Archivio Storico Ital. App. ii. 223, sq.

These claims he bases in some measure upon the fact that he deceived the Della Crusca by a forgery of his own making, which was actually accepted for the Archivio Storico. See op. cit. p. 181. Die Chronik, etc., pp. 53-57. Die Chronik, etc., p. 39. See Hegel's op. cit. p. 6. See Del Lungo, op. cit. vol. ii. pp. 19-23, and fac-simile, to face p. 1.