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As I stood and looked at them books I got carried a good ways off a-ridin' on Wonder a-wonderin' whether them books had done any good in the world. I'd wanted 'em to, I'd wanted 'em to like a dog. Sometimes I'd felt real riz up a-thinkin' they had, and then agin I've felt dubersome. But I knew they had gin great enjoyment, I'd hearn on't.

Morris had ridden away, "you see I's right in my 'clusions, and Mahs'r Morris 'grees with me." "Dunno," said Brother 'Bijah, shaking his head, "dis is a mighty dubersome question. You kep' dem apples clar out o' sight, Brudder Gran'son; clar out o' sight."

I mogulated my axent low and gentle and looked mild at her over my specs, as I washed and she wiped, but my words wuz ever the same. "I feel dubersome about it, Rosy, dretful dubersome."

Old marm Eve's children, he says, are all lost, it is said, in consequence of TOO MUCH curiosity, while these copper colored folks are lost from havin TOO LITTLE little. How can they be the same? Thinks I, that may be logic, old Dubersome, but it ant sense, don't extremes meet?

Blandina wuz in her glory here, she wuz studyin' in full magesty the history of her idol, man. But as I told her, I spozed the term, man, included woman also. But she looked dubersome, she didn't like the idee I could see, and Josiah didn't. But I knowed I wuz right, and I guess Molly thought so too.

Old marm Eve's children, he says, are all lost, it is said, in consequence of TOO MUCH curiosity, while these copper coloured folks are lost from havin' TOO LITTLE little. How can they be the same? Thinks I, that may be logic, old Dubersome, but it ain't sense, don't extremes meet?

And who knows but there may still be some hidden powers in nature that is the source of what you call supernatural?" "Why not believe, with us, voices from Heaven speak through these means?" "Because it looks dubersome to me dretful dubersome.

I see most the first thing as I entered, a place called Creation, and feelin' dubersome that any thing more could be created than what I'd seen that day, I bought a ticket and went in, and to my glad surprise, I found it wuz some like a prayer meetin'. For a man with a loud preachin' voice quoted a lot of Scripter most the first thing.

But I confess that I did feel a little dubersome in my own mind. I felt that she ort to have took it more openly. She had been and contoggled three days and a half for Miss Elder Minkley, and got fifty cents a day for contogglin'. She had fixed over the waists of two old dresses, and contoggled a old dress skirt so's it looked most as well as new. Amelia is a good contoggler and a good Christian.

I had felt kinder dubersome about goin' through countries that wuz plunged in a great war, but we got along all right, nobody shot at us or made any move to, and we didn't see anybody hurt. But knowed that the warfare wuz ragin' away somewhere out of our sight.