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He succeeded at last in reaching the west edge of this wood, forming along the road and fences that were just within its margin. When Doubleday's men had been finally repulsed, our line on the right curved from the ledge where Patrick took refuge, forward in front of Miller's orchard and garden, part of Gibbon's men lying down along the turnpike fence facing to the west.

On reaching the field, Mansfield had a brief consultation with Hooker, resulting in his ordering Williams to form his division nearly as Doubleday's had been, and to advance with his right upon the turnpike. He himself led forward the left of Crawford's brigade, which was the first to arrive, and pushed toward the East Wood. At this moment he was mortally wounded, before the deployment was made.

I tracked 'em to Doubleday's and if I'd found Doubleday or you or Stone there that day if I'd got my eyes on Barb Doubleday that day you'd 've turned the men that pulled that wire over to me or I'd known the reason why. "Now these same critters and you have the gall to talk to me about joining hands. Hell, I'd quicker join hands with a bunch of rattlesnakes.

Doubleday flared up: "Am I the only man that Laramie's got differences with? When his fence is tore down, am I to blame? Am I to blame for every drink Tom Stone takes? What are you talking about?" demanded Doubleday with violence. The doctor could not have been calmer had he been reaching at the critical moment of an operation for Doubleday's appendix.

"Six," I said, nervously, quite uneasy at Mr Doubleday's sudden seriousness. "Six in two hours that's three an hour." "Quite right; not bad for Dubbs, that, is it, Crow?" put in Wallop. "No. He's reckoned it up right this time." "I wish you'd reckon it up right now and then," retorted Doubleday. "How about the change out of those two handkerchiefs?"

They would back a man, or the horse of a man they liked, against a man they did not like and sometimes thereby knew what it was to close the day with empty pockets. On this Fourth of July at Doubleday's, both men, as well as Lefever, had been hit by hard luck.

Here he bivouacked upon the slopes of the ridge, Doubleday's division resting with its right upon the turnpike, Ricketts's division upon the left of Doubleday, and Meade covering the front of both with the skirmishers of Seymour's brigade.

"Well," grumbled her companion, defeated at every point, "Barb's got plenty of horses." Kate did not like to hear her father called Barb, but Belle would not call him anything else. Back of the cottage, Doubleday had a small barn, where Henry an ex-cowboy looked after Doubleday's driving horses.

I remember one entire evening at Doubleday's sitting with my left arm close in to my side because of a hole under the armpit; and on another occasion borrowing Mrs Nash's scissors to trim the ends of my trousers before going to spend the evening at Daly's.

Doubleday's guidance, the little monthly soon developed into a literary magazine of very respectable size and generally bookish contents. The house also issued another periodical, The Presbyterian Review, a quarterly under the editorship of a board of professors connected with the Princeton and Union Theological Seminaries.