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Lefever stood with his left hand eagerly extended and appeared as if sensitive at Van Horn's incredulity: "All the same, Harry," he exclaimed, "I can take you to that buck inside two hours' ride and get his story. I've got five twenty-dollar gold pieces in my pocket that says so. I'll put 'em up in Barb Doubleday's hands right now against your five."

Doubleday's guidance, the little monthly soon developed into a literary magazine of very respectable size and generally bookish contents. The house also issued another periodical, The Presbyterian Review, a quarterly under the editorship of a board of professors connected with the Princeton and Union Theological Seminaries.

He left in high feather; and, at Damaris' suggestion, took a short cut through the Wilderness and by a path crossing the warren to the lane, leading up from the causeway, which joins the high-road just opposite the post office and Mrs. Doubleday's shop.

And all the time of supper I was mentally calculating the cost of Doubleday's entertainment, and wondering whether I could venture to give a party myself! In fact, I was so much taken up with my own good fortune and my new rise in life, that I could think of nothing else. I forgot my former warnings and humiliations.

Skirting the further edge of the warren, a wide rutted side lane leads down to the landward end of the said causeway from the village green, just opposite Deadham post office and Mrs. Doubleday's general shop. A neglected somewhat desolate strip of road this, between broken earthbanks topped by ragged firs, yet very paintable and dear to the sketch-book of the amateur.

The heretofore silent blue soldier shifted his rifle. "What in hell " he muttered. The sergeant-major looked at the Virginia shore, looked at the stranger, standing with his arm around his horse's neck, and looked at the Williamsport landing, and the cannon frowning from Doubleday's Hill.

But the four named were the men to whom the lesser rustlers of the park looked; the men whose exploits they imitated, and these were the men on whose heads a price had, in effect, been set. Van Horn assembled his men, earlier than Lefever had been informed. An old trail from Doubleday's ranch to the Falling Wall crosses the road to the Fort some distance north of Sleepy Cat.

How'd the land contest they made on y' at Medicine Bend come off?" "The cattlemen own that Land Office. I'll beat the bunch at Washington." "Doubleday wanted me to go down to swear. I wouldn't do it wasn't even at the trial " "No honest man was, from Doubleday's." "Was it Stone cut your wire, Jim?" "You know as much about it as I do." "Got it up again?" "All I could find."

But, a beginner in deception, she was intent only on her own part and took his good-natured acquiescence at its face value. The moment he saw her ponies he knew they were Doubleday's: yet he seemed willing to forego his scruple rather than to lose the ride. Kate, too, was disposed to be amiable: "I will show them to you sometime," she said promptly.

He disposed of the store in a capacious pocket and then hesitated: "I wonder if you'd mind waiting five minutes while I go up to Doubleday's house." "What for?" she asked, professing surprise. "To see what I can find out about where he is." "I've told you all you can find out by going to the house," she returned deprecatingly. He looked at her as if undecided.