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One of the most notable of this class is the world next beyond Dore-lyn. This sphere is one thousand times as large as ours, and the beastly creatures that inhabit it are four times our size. The toilers in the deep valleys of Mars are favorably intelligent compared with these specimens of humanity. For convenience, I will call this world Scum.

Alcohol is unknown to them, but they have had a two-thousand year's battle against three liquids that affect them as opium affects us. Strange to say that these terrible liquids were the bases of many of their medicines just like the anodyne medicines of our present day. Thus in Dore-lyn the old kinds of medicines created many drunkards.

Thus the blood is cleansed by passing through this instrument. Those acquainted with the manner in which the blood circulates can readily see how all the blood of the body can be reached in a short time. This method is very successful in the treatment of all bites of poisonous insects and reptiles, and all types of hydrophobia, which are ten-fold more numerous in Dore-lyn than in our world.

This is merely a hygienic selection of foods given to people of declining health, instead of having them swallow ten or twenty dollars' worth of strong medicines. Abnormal appetites crave for a class of foods injurious to the system. In Dore-lyn they have discovered a novel method of turning the diseased appetite from its cravings toward the things needed by the system.

These Dore-lynites have brought to light the numerous varieties of parasite broods that cause fermentations and diseases, both infectious and otherwise. A diseased body is looked upon as being in possession of a certain brood of microbes which are destroyed either by the blood filter or the "Vaccine bath, or injection." The "Food Treatment" is also very popular in Dore-lyn.

So if you are in ill health, and have run the round of our medical fraternity without success, I would advise you to go to Dore-lyn, if you know how to reach it. These Dore-lynites are almost three times our size and they are subject to most of our ills and many more.

When we read such a list of remedies we can scarcely believe that they were ever popular, but according to the history of Dore-lyn the time will come when many of our present medicines will be out of date, and only mentioned in the old medical works. The people of Dore-lyn have suffered in past ages innumerable woes on account of intemperance.

In our world, a man may concoct any alcoholic medicine and sell it without liquor license, for people become verily mad for the bottled stuff. Our nation may some day become wise enough to keep its own hand on the business that is determining the health and happiness of millions of its inhabitants. But let me cease this digression and get back once more to Dore-lyn.

Of all this ponderous solar system there is one world that excels all the others in its medical attainments, and of this one first I will give a flying notice. I have named this world Dore-lyn. It is fifty times as large as our Earth and of greater specific gravity. Its human creatures are delightfully formed and are in ruddy health and refined happiness.

The government medical schools of Dore-lyn are marvels indeed. Nothing is spared that money or talent can furnish. The full graduates of these schools are only "the survival of the fittest." Others take a secondary degree and can act as assistants or retire from the list.