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The Doyles and the Dores lived in one house next to the Clarks, Molly and Tim on the first floor, Dicky and Delia above. Maida became very fond of the Doyle children. Like Betsy, they were too young to go to school and she saw a good deal of them in the lonely school hours. The puddle was an endless source of amusement to them.

With Rosie’s and Dicky’s help, she soon knew everybody by name. She discovered by degrees that on the right side of the court lived the Hales, the Clarks, the Doyles and the Dores; on the left side, the Duncans, the Brines and the Allisons. In the big house at the back lived the Lathrops. Betsy was a great delight to Maida, for the neighborhood brimmed with stories of her mischief.

Enter Burgers & Women with bowghs & flowres. Cap. 'Tis Kramis -time, In which it is a custome with the people To deck their dores with Garlonds, Bowghes, and flowres That are most gratious. Or. I remember. Stand close. Burg. Strew, strew: more Garlonds and more Flowres. Up with the Bowghes!

Paris loved art for art's sake, and the Bible was not popular enough to make its illustration worth while. "What is this book you are working on?" asked a caller. It was different in London, where Spurgeon preached every Sunday to three thousand people. The "Dores" taken to London attracted much attention "mostly from the size of the canvases," Parisians said.

For this jealous and contentious house Divell, domineers as well among people of great respect, as those of lesser degree; though there be some which so order it, that they smother this fire within dores, and suffer it not to burst out at the house top. Nevertheless it is impossible to hide this unkindness from the eys of them that are in the Family.

Joan Flower and her two daughters had been employed as charwomen in Belvoir Castle, the home of the Rutlands. One of the daughters, indeed, had been put in charge of "the poultrey abroad and the washhouse within dores."

When you haue so done, see the dores be made fast, and come your way. Heere was a wily wench had her liripoop without book, she was not to seeke in her knackes and shifts: such are all women, not one of them but hath a cloak for the raine, and can bleare her husbands eyes as she list.

He could have echoed Flaubert's famous sentence: "The ignoble is the sublime of the lower slope." Yet what wit, what humour, what humanity in Daumier! His Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are worth a wilderness of Dorés. And the Good Samaritan or The Drinkers. The latter is as jovial as Steen or Hals. A story went the rounds after his death which neatly illustrates his lack of worldliness.

Mr Rees had previously proved himself a most zealous and active officer, particularly in the destruction of the slave factories at Corisco, by the boats of the Wolverine, Captain Tucker. The Dores, a schooner of about sixty feet in length and fifteen in breadth, had been taken at Quettah in June, and sent in charge of the Dolphin's gunner to Sierra Leone.

And when they had removed the dores out of the hookes, they consulted amongst themselves, how they would handle such as they found in the house.