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As he walked he saw Von Althaus, the professor of anatomy, in front of him, and quickening his pace he overtook him. "I say, Von Althaus," he exclaimed, tapping him on the sleeve, "you were asking me for some information the other day concerning the middle coat of the cerebral arteries. Now I find " "Donnerwetter!" shouted Von Althaus, who was a peppery old fellow.

Happily his companion had misinterpreted his annoyance, and with impulsive German friendship threw himself into what he believed to be Paul's feelings. "Donnerwetter! Your beautiful countrywoman is made the subject of curiosity just because that stupid baron is persistent in his serious attentions.

Beside him lay a violin. "You are nervous to-night, Velasco?" "I am always nervous." "What shall we eat and drink?" "Donnerwetter what you please! If I eat, I cannot play. Bring me some of that Rhine wine, Fräulein, the white in the slanting bottles, and a plate of Pretzeln. No beer bewahre!"

"Donnerwetter!" he said, setting down his horn. "To my mind it has just come that Leif a cook-boy is desirous of, now that Hord is drowned." The girl saw his purpose, and nodded quickly. "It is unlikely that you can make a better bargain anywhere." She turned to examine the slaves, and her eyes immediately encountered Alwin's.

"It's an honest confession, but it does not bespeak a high heart." "Perhaps not, but sometimes a horse-dealer is more useful than a soldier. For instance, the off horse of the front wagon has picked up a stone in his left hind foot, and if it's not taken out he'll go lame long before you reach Metz." "Donnerwetter! But it's true. You do know something about horses and you have an eye in your head.

Donnerwetter! It's too good to be true. After all this waiting. And now I've got to keep my eyes on both the spider and the fly. Irma is such a tempestuous devil. If Leah only had her years and looks and dash, she would twist any man in the world around her finger. But I can never teach this Hungarian madcap, Leah's velvet softness and never-tiring patience."

He shrugged his shoulders, and his eyes flashed scornfully over the stage and the singers. "Now ladies, attention if you please! Look at me keep your eyes on my baton! Now piano!" The voices of the sopranos rose softly. "Crescendo!" They increased. "Donnerwetter! May the devil take you! Crescendo, I say! Crescendo! Do you need all day to make crescendo?"

Glen, vy you makes play mit der gun dot vay? Donnerwetter! ven I speak mit you, stand op mit der little finger to der seam of der pantaloons. You vill never be no good." "Ebers," I interrupted, "let the men rest as they please. I regret having ridden so hard, but I am used to soldiers who are toughened in field work. Are you pretty sore, Sergeant?"

"So no doubt would all of us; but I have no time for mere talk. Did you meet with any trouble during the night?" "Troubles? By Chiminy, yes, Captain, I vos hongry for six hour. I have took der belt oop dree time already, an' I vos empty yet. Troubles? Donnerwetter, it is all troubles." "Not that," sternly. "I mean, have the enemy kept you busy?"

"They were enough, weren't they?" answered Wilson with a grin that reflected itself on the faces of his comrades. "Donnerwetter!" growled the German. "You would never have taken us if we had known!" "We don't tell all we know," answered Wilson with a grin.