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I shall speak, we shall speak, as gentlemen." "Go on," said Poindexter, who was beginning to be amused. "I say just now I will not purchase the rancho from the Señora. And why? Look you, Don Marco;" he reined in his horse, thrust his hand under his serape, and drew out a folded document: "this is why." With a smile, Poindexter took the paper from his hand and opened it.

It was a pitiful epitaph for a man's life! I'm sorry! Jimmie Dale's face softened a little the man was dead now. "I'm sorry.... Fleming P. Forrester" he had seen that signature on bank paper a hundred times in the old days; he had little thought ever to see it on a document such as this!

"Aren't you evading the point far more than I? The document which you and I can both see as plainly before our eyes at this instant as though it were in let us say your hands, or du Laurier's, if he were here that document is far too important even to name within hearing of other ears." "Marianne's? But I told you she can't understand a word of Russian." "One can't be sure.

At length, yielding unwillingly to these frantic appeals, he commenced writing the required address; and it was while subscribing his name to this seditious document, that the soldiers of the Convention burst in upon him, and he was shot through the jaw by one of the gendarmes. At the same moment, Le Bas shot himself through the heart.

Young Count John of Nassau happened to take possession of the apartments in Goswyn Meursken's hostelry at the Hague, just vacated by Richardot. In the drawer of a writing-table was found a document, evidently left there by the president. This paper was handed by Count John to his cousin, Frederic Henry, who at once delivered it to his brother Maurice.

I find a petition to Leo X. from a monastery in Rome, setting forth that a document assuring certain indulgences to the house had been lost at the time of the sack and plunder of the convent during the last conclave.

I send you a copy of the case in this letter. I send you a legal document about Camacho. For more than eight days he has not left the church on account of his rash statements and falsehoods.

I was to have a free hand in conducting my own share of the business, and M. Charles Saurez was to call for the document at my lodgings at Passy on the following morning at nine o'clock. I flatter myself that I conducted the business with remarkable skill. At precisely ten minutes to eleven I rang at the Chancellerie of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Then, as he was standing in the shadow of a blue curtain, he walked towards the chimney where the light was strong, and began his examination. "It is very good," he said; "very curious." "Only a photograph can have this documentary value." To compare this document with the reality, Saniel approached the chimney more closely, above which was a mirror.

"First, your majesty, they contain an account of the general's peace negotiations. They were all rejected, and the grand-vizier has refused to renew the truce which has just expired. He requires new conditions." "Name them," said Leopold. The margrave drew from his portfolio a document, and began to read. "Austria shall pay yearly tribute to the Porte.