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The poem has vigor and freshness; it is not without pathos. But M. Vitet is not satisfied with seeing in it a document of some poetic value, and of very high historic and linguistic value; he sees in it a grand and beautiful work, a monument of epic genius.

John sped to do her bidding, and during his absence Lady Linton succeeded in removing that tell-tale document from Sir William's hand, and locking it away from all inquisitive eyes; for her first thought was that there must be no scandal over the affair. Few knew of his marriage.

Of course, counsel's last word may be of more value than some evidence; but the smallest "jot or tittle" of evidence, or any document whatever that even tends to prove the innocence of the accused, is of more value than a thousand last words of the most powerful speaker I have ever listened to.

Inside the safe, on the bottom, I found two good-sized drops of blood, and a slip of paper with pencil-writing on it. The paper bore two blood-smears and a print of a human thumb in blood." "Is this the paper?" asked the counsel, passing a small slip across to the witness. "Yes," replied the inspector, after a brief glance at the document. "What did you do next?"

His example was followed by all the other members present except James Lesslie, who withheld his name until the document should be signed by Dr. Rolph, who was absent from the meeting. On the afternoon of Friday, the 28th of the same month, the Declaration was submitted to and discussed for the second time by a number of Reformers assembled at Elliott's.

Sir Percival tried to make Laura sign the document which had been brought down by Merriman. On my advice, she refused to do so without reading it. A terrible scene resulted, which was only stopped by the intervention of Count Fosco. Sir Percival swore that Laura shall sign it to-morrow. To-night, Laura and I fancied we saw a white figure in the wood. June 18. Laura has met Anne Catherick.

The king, seeing that the matter has gone so far, must decide in our favor. And here is our worthy president; look at his proud and cheerful aspect, and judge whether the document he holds in his hand can be unfavorable." "He does, indeed, seem contented," answered Professor Heinrich, as he and his friend moved forward to meet the president.

Sir Charles strongly urged, in that famous document what had almost been lost sight of that "honesty is inseparable from the character of a thorough-bred gentleman;" and that "to drink unpaid-for champagne and unpaid-for beer, and to ride unpaid-for horses, is to be a cheat, and not a gentleman."

Which latter, however, is so very serious too, his Prussian Majesty's Minister at Berne is now charged to make new perquisition for the Leibnitz Original there: In short, within one month that Document is peremptorily wanted at Berlin." High proceedings these; and calculated to have one result, if no other.

And who will read the document?" "Who but the man he's trying to defeat? tell me that." "You mean Barode Barouche?" "Who else?" "Has he agreed to do it?" Luzanne nodded. "On the day Carnac became a candidate." "And if Carnac Grier denies it?" "He won't deny it. He never has. He says he was drunk when the thing was done mais, oui." "Is that all he says?" "No.