United States or South Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I shall divide it into two parts. That will last me twelve days or so, by which time I should be there if I'm still going in the right direction. And now, divide the half into six there each of these will do for Oh! but I forgot, that's only enough for breakfast. It will need two portions for each day, as it will be impossible to do without supper.

And so that day, as the man from the ranges and the man from the cities rode together, the feeling of kinship that each had instinctively recognized at their first meeting on the Divide was strengthened. They knew that a mutual understanding which could not have been put into words of any tongue or land was drawing them closer together.

The North had control of the House, the South of the Senate. A middle party thereupon sprang up, proposing to divide the Louisiana purchase between freedom and slavery by the line of 36 degrees 30', and authorizing the admission of Missouri with slavery out of the northern half. Maine and Missouri were both admitted.

The hour seemed to have neither daytime nor season. All was obscure, mysterious, engulfing, and hostile. Had he been alone the youth would have been appalled by the prospect. "Now we're on the divide," called Berea; and as she spoke they seemed to enter upon a boundless Alpine plain of velvet-russet grass. "This is the Bear Tooth plateau."

'Oh, dear me, suz, what does ail you? she said, one day, with a stamp of her foot, after she had tried in vain to make Maude see through a simple sum in long division. 'Can't you remember first to divide, second multiply, third subtract, and fourth bring down? 'No, I can't. I can't remember anything, and if I could, how do I know what to divide or what to bring down?

Saint-Prosper in any event. But you might divide it with him?" he added, suddenly. "How could I do that?" she asked, without looking up. "Marry him!" laughed the attorney. But the jest met with scant response, his fair client remaining motionless as a statue, while Barnes gazed at her furtively.

We can be sure, however, that the rulers of the communist world will not change their basic objectives lightly or soon. The communist rulers have a sense of time about these things wholly unlike our own. We tend to divide our future into short spans, like the two-year life of this Congress, or the four years of the next Presidential term. They seem to think and plan in terms of generations.

Thus if there were ten seats to be filled the elector could give ten votes to one candidate, or one vote to each of ten candidates, or five votes to one candidate and divide the remaining five among others, and so on. The only condition necessary was that his votes added up to ten.

I tell you it is wrong; it is no way to raise children! Make your home happy. Be honest with them, divide fairly with them in everything. Give them a little liberty, and you cannot drive them out of the house. They will want to stay there. Make home pleasant. Let them play any game they want to.

They were hoping for something greater, and would have been glad to release Churchill and Hamilton had they offered to turn back. But lacking that good fortune, the valiant three evidently hoped to meet the coach and rob it before the others came up, in which case Crofts and his friends would deny the robbery, if accused, and would divide the gold into three parts instead of five.