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He was distressingly conscious of their silence. He tried to stir her into chattering again, but silence rose like a gray presence and hovered between them. "I, uh " he labored. "It strikes me it strikes me that unemployment is lessening." "Maybe Pete will get a decent job, then." Silence. Desperately he essayed, "What's the trouble, old honey? You seem kind of quiet to-night."

My brute was called "Thunderer," and the man who had got hold of him said that his name was the only good thing about him, for he roared like the sea. I wished heartily that some one would steal my horse, but every one seemed to be most distressingly anxious to keep as far away from him as possible.

In the Literary Remains it fills less than half of four volumes of little more than 400 pages each. Coleridge's metaphysics and theology The Spiritual Philosophy of Mr. Green. In spite of all the struggles, the resolutions, and the entreaties which displayed themselves so distressingly in the letter to Mr.

"What is her name?" asked Isabel, paying for a bead pincushion. "Daisy Smith," said her mother, in distressingly good English. "But her Indian name?" "She has none," answered the woman, who told Basil that her village numbered five hundred people, and that they were Protestants. While they talked they were joined by an Indian, whom the women saluted musically in their native tongue.

Toby, wearied with the fatigues of the day, slumbered heavily by my side; but the pain under which I was suffering effectually prevented my sleeping, and I remained distressingly alive to all the fearful circumstances of our present situation.

The patient's feeling benefit is the great and true evidence of the treatment being right. When the douche issues in bodily comfort and cheering to the mind, all is right. If it issues in discomfort, then some other treatment must be tried. "Downbearing." This expression will cover many troubles especially common among women, where the weight of the internal organs becomes distressingly felt.

It seemed to flare over Fleet Street and somehow made the actual spot distressingly humble: there was so little for it to feed on unless he counted the blisters of our stucco or saw his way to do something with the roses. Even the poor roses were common kinds. Presently his eyes fell on the manuscript from which Paraday had been reading to me and which still lay on the bench.

These names may sound inexact, but can you prove that these were not their names and occupations? We shall proceed. These three simple souls were bound to Attalie by the strong yet tender bonds of debit and credit. She was not distressingly but only interestingly "behind" on their well-greased books, where Camille's account, too, was longer on the left-hand side.

He had a distinct feeling of apprehension lest the face, when seen, should prove a disappointment, because unless it was singularly attractive more attractive than wits warranted by any law of probability it would be distressingly out of keeping with the charm and grace of the figure which came into full view as he waded ashore in spite of the masses of dark and lustrous hair which fell free.

He was required to perform military service, and for the next two years at leastor for a longer time, should war break outwas doomed to be a soldier. He did not think the doom particularly hard, and we jogged on together in a cheerful mood until his knowledge of the ground became distressingly familiar, and he illustrated portions of the scenery with tales of robbery and murder.