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A minute or two later the wheels began to revolve again, and Bradford came in. "More maverick railroading," he said disgustedly. "Timanyoni had his red light out, and when I asked for orders he said he hadn't any thought maybe we'd want to ask for 'em ourselves, being as we was running wild." "So he thoughtfully stopped us to give us the chance!" snapped Lidgerwood in wrathful scorn.

Meantime, rouse the maintenance foreman, and, if any wedges have worked loose, let him drive them home." "You're a nice man," commented Mattawa Tom, surveying the stranger disgustedly as the man stood with the water draining from him in the cook-shed. "Here, get into these things and keep them as a present. I wouldn't like the feel of them after they'd been on to you."

Say, I bet he drove by-guess-an'-by-gosh to the orange belt, anyway, the way his eyes was swellin' up when he left!" I mentioned his promise to Bill, that he would not fight a customer. Casey spat disgustedly. "Hell! He wasn't no customer! Didn't he ship his rubber in by express, ruther'n to buy off me?"

"Hello, old Bumpydoodles!" she added, with rich affection, kissing the dog's silky head, and burying both hands in his feathered collar. "Hello, old Buck!" "Alexandra, for heaven's sake stop handling that brute!" said Peter Joyce disgustedly, coming up the path. "I dare say you've not had your breakfast, either. Go wash your hands! 'Morning, Doctor!"

Her bosom heaved and her eyes blazed scorn as she looked at this person who had dared think the touch of his coarse hands would be welcome. Welcome! "And I have been thinking what a delightful friendship ours was," said she, disgustedly.

She raked away again frantically, and hauled out a quantity of charred debris, but nothing even faintly resembling a key. When nothing more remained, she poked the fragments disgustedly, while Cynthia looked on. "See there!" Cynthia suddenly exclaimed. "It isn't a key, but what's that round thing?"

He wheeled his horse, and, with a touch of the spur, disappeared in the darkness ahead. Peter clambered back into the saddle, and gripped my rein. "Come on," he said disgustedly, kicking the black in the side. "It's a ways yet afore yer lie down." We rode steadily, and at a good pace.

"Why, these are cattle cars," uttered Prescott, disgustedly, when the column had been halted along the length of the foremost part of the train. "And, judging by the odor, these cars haven't been cleaned." "They won't be until we are through riding in them," returned the French officer at his side. "This is what comes to soldiers who surrender to the German dogs!"

'He's aff his onion, said Macgregor, disgustedly. 'He says I'm a leear, said Willie, sullenly. Jake's humorous mouth went straight, not without apparent effort.

This was manifestly unjust and it was not like Weary; but this night's mission was getting on his nerves. He leaned and shifted the medicine-case again, and felt ruefully of his bruised leg. That also was getting upon his nerves. "Oh, Mamma!" he muttered disgustedly.