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"Miss Reston and I can go to the dining-room." "But I want you as much as Mr. Macdonald," said Jean. "It's your advice I want about the money, you know." Mrs. Macdonald gave a deep sigh. "Ah, money," she said "the root of all evil." "Not at all, my dear," her husband corrected. "The love of money is the root of all evil a very different thing. Money can be a very fine thing."

The Quadrangle dining-room had already buzzed with the news of Judy's reckless act, and now, as the seniors marched two by two up the aisle after the faculty, a ripple of laughter swept over the chapel.

Arthur was already in the dining-room when Mr. Dinsmore came down. "Arthur," said he, "I wish you to step into the library a moment; I have something to say to you." "I don't want to hear it," muttered the boy, with a dogged look, and standing perfectly still. "I dare say not, sir; but that makes no difference," replied his brother. "Walk into the library at once."

The meal had scarcely begun, when she looked around the room with wide-open eyes, and exclaimed: "Robert, if we should conclude to remain here, I think we will have this room re-papered with some light-colored paper. I like a light dining-room. This is entirely too dark."

I didn't get any for the dining-room, because it might blow about and get into the food." "Do you mean to take that moss all the way home?" asked Mrs. Chipperton, in surprise. "Why, how will you ever carry it?" "Of course I mean to take it home," said he. "I gathered this with my own hands from the top of one of the tallest trees on the banks of this famous Silver Spring." "Mr.

Suddenly the laugher stopped and said, "I feel as if I ought not to laugh; I feel that nobody ever laughed in this place before." Dinner time approached. Old ladies in wonderful dresses began to appear, followed by old English gentlemen in dress clothes. The dining-room began to fill up.

Several spirited by-battles took place that day owing to this, and at the lower end of the table of Kay's dining-room at tea that evening there could be seen many swollen countenances. All, however, wore pleased smiles. They had proved to the School House their right to have a burglary of their own if they liked.

Count Volaski bowed, and silently offered his arm to the young duchess. She did not take it; she could not; she stood as one paralyzed. He was stronger, firmer, calmer; perhaps because he really felt less than she did. He took her hand and drew it within his own, and led her to her place in the little procession that was going to the dining-room.

There was almost a cheer from the crowd as the string of automobiles set out for Castleman Hall. There was a grand banquet that evening, at which the turkeys entered the family. Not in years had there been so many people crowded into the big dining-room, nor so many servants treading upon each other's toes in the kitchen. Such a din of chatter and laughter!

She had expected it, and yet her heart beat faster, and her color went and came, as she disposed of her pupils in the little dining-room, and met her visitor just as she crossed the hall. "Can I speak to you for five minutes, Miss Colwyn?" said Lady Caroline, in so suave a voice that for a moment Janetta felt reassured. Only for a moment, however.