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F. The Presentation of Jesus, and theNunc Dimittis.” Ch. 2:21-40 21 And when eight days were fulfilled for circumcising him, his name was called JESUS, who was so called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

"Upon my word," said Ashmead, "there is a deal of 'go' in that." Then they sung the "Nuno Dimittis." He said, a little dryly, there was plenty of repose in that.

'Thou lettest Thy servant depart' is but a feeble translation of the original, which is better given in the version that has become very familiar to us all by its use in a musical service, the Nunc Dimittis; 'Now Thou dost send away' It is the technical word for relieving a sentry from his post.

It is also, Geoffrey, to drive away your English spleen, and to make you into an agreeable grass-widower into whose hands I may commend this young lady, because you can dance and I cannot. My evening is complete. This is my Nunc Dimittis." He led them back to the ballroom. Then, with a low bow and a flourish of an imaginary cocked-hat, he disappeared. Geoffrey and Yaé danced together.

"They've sold dirtier things," said Wayne, calmly: "they have sold themselves." "It's no good, my Buckling," said the King, rolling about on his chair. "You can't cope with this chivalrous eloquence. You can't cope with an artist. You can't cope with the humorist of Notting Hill. Oh, Nunc dimittis that I have lived to see this day! Provost Wayne, you stand firm?"

Let the fleet burn, the Royal Charles fly Dutch colours. Here, in this quiet valley, there shall be a peaceful household and united hearts. Angela, I love that youth! Fareham, with all his rank and wealth, has never been so dear to me. That black visage repels love. But Denzil's countenance is open as the day. I can say 'Nunc Dimittis' with a light heart.

You will laugh at me, but sometimes when I have felt the water pouring down my back I have shouted to myself in my tub 'nunc dimittis." They burst out laughing, and Ellis cried: "You gross sensualist! And to think of all this being concealed behind that masque of austere philosophy!"

He is significant of the reaction against formal or romantic beauty. I said the same more than a decade ago of Debussy. Again the critical watchmen in the high towers are signalling Schoenberg's movements, not without dismay. Cheer up, brethren! Preserve an open mind. It is too soon to beat reactionary bosoms, crying aloud, Nunc dimittis!

And inexplicably, in the midst of his desolation, his heart sang a sort of fierce pæan: as a woman, delivered of a man-child, goes triumphing to meet the sordidness of death, so was there in Rainham's rapid acceptance of his fruitless and ineffectual love a distinct sense of victory, in which pain expired victory over the meanness and triviality of modern life, which could never seem quite mean and trivial again, since he had proved it to be capable of such moments; had looked once and could so sing his "Nunc Dimittis" upon the face of love.

He that dies in an earnest pursuit, is like one that is wounded in hot blood; who, for the time, scarce feels the hurt; and therefore a mind fixed, and bent upon somewhat that is good, doth avert the dolors of death. But, above all, believe it, the sweetest canticle is', Nunc dimittis; when a man hath obtained worthy ends, and expectations.