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Updated: November 5, 2024
If we learn from him that the Duke of Florence mixed a great deal of water with his wine and the Duchess hardly any at all. we learn it, without any connivance of his, from his diary, and that a hundred and fifty years after his death. One of the first reflections which occur to the reader, as he closes Mr.
Gowing, with his usual good taste, said: "Oh, Master Lupin can make a fool of himself without any assistance." Carrie very properly resented this, and Gowing had sufficient sense to say he was sorry. March 21. To-day I shall conclude my diary, for it is one of the happiest days of my life. My great dream of the last few weeks in fact, of many years has been realised.
I deposit it with respectful tenderness at the feet of Miss Halcombe. I breathe my wishes for her recovery. I condole with her on the inevitable failure of every plan that she has formed for her sister's benefit. At the same time, I entreat her to believe that the information which I have derived from her Diary will in no respect help me to contribute to that failure.
Telson had to admit that his turn had come, and relieved himself by announcing that he would prithee his candid chronicler some day in a way which would astonish him. "`Meditations at breakfast, continued the diary. `The world is very big. I am small in the world. I will ambition twenty lines for gross conduct with Harrison throwing bread I repent entirely.
His Diary unfolds his spiritual exercises and his natural feelings in the prospect before him. 3 mo. 17. The last two months have been to me an awful time of deep conflict of spirit, arising out of a prospect of a religious visit to some places in Asiatic Turkey, and parts adjacent. I do not know when I have had more conflict to arrive at a clear pointing.
Perhaps, this time, she would find that great River of the West, which was to be to the Pacific coast what the Hudson was to the East. Coolidge and Ingraham now left the Columbia for ventures of their own to the Pacific. Haswell, whose diary, with Gray's log-book, gives all details of the voyage, went as first mate.
Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge scratched his chin for a moment thoughtfully and glanced at his diary. "Well, I'll risk that," he decided. "A week to-day I hand over the coin." Peter drew a little breath of relief. A week was an immense time! He rose to his feet. "That ends our business, then, for the present," he said. "Now I am going to ask both of you a favour.
The Cape of Good Hope is not the most extreme point of Southern Africa, the before-mentioned Algulhas extending farther into the Southern Ocean. But I will now resume my diary, as we are approaching a place proper for it to be kept, according to the learned Lord Bacon. The next date is, Southern Atlantic Ocean, May 3d, 1852.
The Admiral Coligny bravely defended Saint Quentin to the last, but the place was at length taken by storm, amidst horrors unspeakable. When we heard of them, I asked A'Dale whether he still could wish he had been there. "No," he said; "honestly, I am thankful that I had not to take part in such scenes." And now I must briefly run over the events I find noted in my diary.
Nothing in all his life had approached it in interest, he said to me. The diary of his tour is prefixed to Mr. S.P. Ker's book, What the Irish Regiments Have Done but it conveys little, except this dominant impression: "From the Irish Commander-in-Chief himself right down through the Army one meets Irishmen wherever one goes."
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