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Just after I shot her I didn't hardly mean to, but she got to deviling me so I went crazy, just for a second, and pulled out that old revolver you and I used to shoot rabbits with, and took a crack at her. Didn't hardly mean to After that, when I was trying to stop the blood It was terrible what it did to her shoulder, and she had beautiful skin Maybe she won't die.

Her voice broke, her self-control was deserting her. "Hey!... Hold on there. No hysterics or anything. Won't have 'em. Brace up." "Let me alone, then," she said, childishly. "Why can't you let me alone?" "I Confound it! I'm not deviling you. I'm trying to haul you out of a muss. Quit it, will you?" She had sunk into a chair and covered her face. He got up and stood over her, scowling.

As they wound around and over the hills in front, they saw the "reserves," the "grand guard," and finally the pickets with their reserves drawn in, packed up ready for marching, and waiting for their regiments to come up, when they would fall-in. "There's a h l's mint of deviling, tormenting rebel cavalry out there beyond the hills," they called out to the regiment. "Drop onto 'em, and mash 'em.

She ended her letter with the warmest expressions of regard and affection for Peg, and the hope that some day they would meet again and renew their too-brief intimacy. The arrival of these letters and her daily 'deviling' for her father were the only incidents in her even life.

"I'll bet the oysters for the crowd, Squire Vandemark," he went on deviling me, "that you couldn't perform the marriage ceremony." Now here he came closer to my abilities, for I had been through a marriage ceremony lately, and I have a good memory and oysters were a novelty in Iowa, coming in tin cans and called cove oysters, put up in Baltimore.

I visited Battery F, and gave the fellows medicine. To-day both officers and men were in the gun pits and I with them, while they were deviling with Fritzy. Big business in evening with long service, gave out Testaments and held service in dugout; got a Frenchman to interpret the scripture to his comrades. Bequests for prayer.

"You been deviling the life out of me long enough! If the vestry had 'a' listened at me and had you up before now, that window wouldn't be smashed. I told the bishop something was going to happen, and he says, 'The next time there's trouble, you find the leaders and swear out a warrant. Don't wait to ask anybody!"

Dinky-Dunk, in his deviling moods, says I'm an old married woman now, that I'm settled, that I've eaten my pie! Perhaps I have. I'm not imaginative, so I must depend on others for my joy of living. I know now that I can never create, never really express myself in any way worth while, either on paper or canvas or keyboard.

"So would you so would our friend the Italian reservist there. I'm an average American, free, white, and twenty-one, with strong pro-Ally sympathies and a passport in perfect shape. This is all nonsense, but of course there is something back of it. What has been your real reason for deviling me ever since I entered this room?" The lieutenant was studying my face. "Mr.

"What is it, honey?" he asked timidly. "It's everything," she answered, her gaze still on the distant hills. "You haven't quarreled with Brad?" "No and I'm not likely to if he'll let me alone." Her father did not press the point. If Brad and she had fallen out, the young man would have to make his own amende. "None of the boys been deviling you?" "No."