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"I'm not the sort that cares to fool with a married woman," he declared. "There goes Devereux to swell the throng. I say, let's go and have a drink." She laughed again as she rose to accompany him. Phil Turner was severely honest in all his ways, and, being a good woman, she liked him for it.

'But there's no need to threaten, sure, you know, Masther Richard, I'd do anything for you I would. I'd beg, or I'd rob, or I'd die for you, Masther Richard; and whatever you bid me, your poor wild Nan 'ill do. Devereux was touched, the tears were streaming down her pale cheeks, and she was shivering. 'You're cold, Nan; where's your cloak and riding hood? he said, gently.

A Devereux which was almost the same thing as a Starkweather was haled along the highway like a common prisoner. And if the Devereux hadn't been engaged in that two-for-a-cent, low-class, revolting business, and if Aunt Mirabelle hadn't been Aunt Mirabelle it couldn't have happened.

Swoppem, in which he satisfied that honest tradesman that his object was rather to reward than intimidate, Swoppem confessed that twenty-three years ago the witness had met him at a public-house in Devereux Court, in company with two other men, and sold him several articles in plate, ornaments, etc.

Merrifield's, and the two cousins thought their close quarters ineffably precious. Mysie was introduced to Maude Sefton, who seemed entirely unconscious of her treachery to friendship. 'One had so little time, and couldn't always be writing, she said, when Dolores reproached her; 'exercises were enough to tire out one's hand! They also drank tea with Lady Phyllis Devereux and her governess.

Several copies of verses were thrown after him into his grave, and his monument was erected at the charge of the famous Robert Devereux, the unfortunate Earl of Essex.

"It's a shame to disturb you," said Peter Rolls. Miss Devereux and her attendant dryads turned their eyes to him. They had fancied that he was the man who had burst in before and burst out again; now they were sure.

You must say, 'Well, it's rum, it's rummy, or how you like to put it 'but she's got a head on her shoulders, and I suppose she knows what she's doing. I suppose she's seen her way. For she's all right, you know, Mrs. Devereux; she's as right as rain. It's irregular, dashed irregular but, by George, I'll tell you this, Nevile was in a bad way when he first met her; and she's pulled him through.

But entre nous, Devereux, I think she hates you, and would play you a trick of spite revenge is too strong a word if she could find an opportunity." "Likely enough, Tarleton; but a coquette's lover is always on his guard; so she will not take me unawares." "So be it. But tell me, Devereux, who is to be your next mistress, Mrs. Denton or Lady Clancathcart? the world gives them both to you."

Here, from the fading canvas, smiled Lady Elizabeth Devereux, in her gauze hood, pearl stomacher, and pink slashed sleeves. A flower was in her right hand, and her left clasped an enamelled collar of white and damask roses. On a table by her side lay a mandolin and an apple. There were large green rosettes upon her little pointed shoes.