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Here it was that he wrote his first work of which we have any exact knowledge, its title being: "Essai sur le Despotisme." In the following year he was transferred from the Château d'If to the Castle of Joux, where he was less strictly confined. He had the freedom of the place and frequent opportunities for visiting the near-by town of Pontarlier.

Most inflammatory language was used, and flags and placards were displayed bearing such devices as 'Papineau et le système électif, 'Papineau et l'indépendence, and 'A bas le despotisme. Alarmed by such language, Lord Gosford issued on June 15 a proclamation calling on all loyal subjects to discountenance writings of a seditious tendency, and to avoid meetings of a turbulent or political character.

"This is from Citizen Michaux, the famous naturalist, the political agent of the French Republic. Read what he has written me." I read, I fear in a faltering voice: "Citoyen General: "Un homme qui a donne des preuves de son amour pour la Liberte et de sa haine pour le despotisme ne devait pas s'adresser en vain au ministre de la Republique francaise.

A force de logique on tend a remplacer le gouvernement pondere de l'Angleterre par ce que nous appelons le gouvernement conventionnel, c'est a dire le despotisme d'une Assemblee unique appuyee sur la brutale loi du nombre. Que Dieu vous garde d'un tel avenir. C'est le voeu d'un ami sincere de vos institutions.

Procope, the physician, a little Esop, a favorite with the ladies; Boulanger, the celebrated posthumous author of 'Despotisme Oriental', and who, I am of opinion extended the systems of Mussard on the duration of the world.

He had been guilty of a passionate attachment to a young lady of disproportionate expectations. The young victim of parental wrong, thus severely taught that the splendors of a court were but a veneer under which lay the terrible springs of a wayward tyranny, killed time in brooding over the ideas and studies which subsequently formed his "Essai" no less than his character "sur le despotisme."

He says that "la chevre est le genie malfaisant de la Regence.... Plus que le despotisme, plus que le fatalisme, elle a ruine le pays: c'est la chevre, en effet, qui deboise et surtout qui s'oppose au reboisement, et l'on sait quelle influence a eue sur le regime des eaux et sur la fertilite du sol le deboisement de la province d'Afrique."

"Point de despotisme!": while flags and placards were displayed with similar illustrations of popular frenzy. La Nation Canadienne was now launched on the turbulent waves of a little rebellion in which the phrases of the French revolution were glibly shouted by the habitants with very little conception of their real significance.

Some of the developments of our day may well make us doubt whether the last and perfect form, or even theory, is the one we have chosen. "Les monarchies absolues avaient deshonoré le despotisme: prenons garde que les républiques démocratiques ne le réhabilitent."

"This is from Citizen Michaux, the famous naturalist, the political agent of the French Republic. Read what he has written me." I read, I fear in a faltering voice: "Citoyen General: "Un homme qui a donne des preuves de son amour pour la Liberte et de sa haine pour le despotisme ne devait pas s'adresser en vain au ministre de la Republique francaise.