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"I will give you the exact words of the statute," said Potts 'Si quis viderit malefactores infra metas forestæ, debet illos capere secundum posse suum, et si non possit; debet levare hutesium et clamorem. And the penalty for refusing to follow hue and cry is heavy fine."

Would you defend the spoliation of the monasteries, or the confiscation of the abbey lands? I take it no still less would you restore the monasteries or take back the lands; a consecrated change becomes a new departure; accept it and turn it to the best advantage. These are things to which the theory of the Church concerning lay baptism is strictly applicable. Fieri non debet, factum valet.

Gregorius Sayrus following them herein, saith, Debet lex homines a malo retrahere, et idio dicatur necessaria debet etiam promovere in bonum, et ideo dicitur utilis—A law ought to draw back men from evil, and therefore is called necessary, it ought also to promove them unto good, and therefore is called profitable.

On hearing this, James flew into a rage and said: "Then am I to be under the law which it is treason to affirm?" To which Coke replied: "Thus wrote Braxton: 'Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et Lege." Coke had the misfortune to offend the King in another matter. James issued proclamations whenever he thought that the existing law required amendment.

Ipsum deinde convivium constat ex rebus quatuor, et tum denique omnibus suis numeris absolutum est; si belli homuculi collecti sunt, si lectus locus, si tempus lectum, si apparatus non neglectus. Nec loquaces autem convivas nec mutos legere oportet; quia eloquentia in foro et apud subsellia; silentium vero non in convivio sed in cubiculo esse debet.

Non sic causa intelligi debet, ut quod cuique antecedat, id ei causa sit; sed quod cuique EFFICIENTER antecedat. Causis enim efficientibus quamque rem cognitis, posse denique sciri quid futurum esset."

"Si pars debet se exponere pro salute totius, cum homo siti pars quaedam civitatis ... homo pro patria debet exponere se ipsum."

"Debet enim, misere cui forti, aegreque futurum est, Ipse quoque esse in eo turn tempore, cum male possit Accidere."

'Nova constitutio futuris formam imponere debet, et non praeteritis. The maxim in Bracton was taken from the civil law, for we find in that system the same principle, expressed substantially in the same words, that the lawgiver cannot alter his mind to the prejudice of a vested right.