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To suppose that these are all the same dead-level as the light-coloured portions are assumed to be, implies that the darkness is one of material and colour only, not of diversified contour, which again is contrary to experience, since difference of material with us always leads to differences in rate of degradation, and hence of diversified contour, as these dark spaces actually show themselves under favourable conditions to independent observers.

Let's go in, and be perfectly good hostesses and social lions." Slowly, Samson South came to his feet. His voice was in the dead-level pitch which Wilfred had once before heard. His eyes were as clear and hard as transparent flint. "I'm sorry to be of trouble, George," he said, quietly. "But you must get me to New York at once by motor. I must take a train South to- night."

His wife's fortune would also just lift him above the dead-level where opportunities are very few, into the region where a clever and enterprising man with ambition is certain to find many; but he was sufficiently fond of Laura to make the prospect of matrimony with her agreeable, though he was not what is called a marrying man.

There is here and there an American who will say he can remember rising from a European table d'hôte perfectly satisfied; but we must not overlook the fact that there is also here and there an American who will lie. The number of dishes is sufficient; but then it is such a monotonous variety of UNSTRIKING dishes. It is an inane dead-level of "fair-to-middling." There is nothing to ACCENT it.

She sat silent under it, her hands trembling in his, till the blood mounted to his face and she felt his confident grasp relax. "You didn't guess it, then?" he exclaimed, starting up and moving away from her. "No; I didn't guess it," she confessed in a dead-level voice. He stood above her, half challenging, half defensive. "And you haven't a word to say to me? Mother!" he adjured her.

'It seems to be his Grace's desire to make me ridiculous, he went on to say to himself: 'what a dead-level of grim words! In English, it appears, you do not talk. You stab with the tongue. In truth, there was no conversation.

Farnese rose with a horrible oath, and every one of his gentlemen with him. "My lord," he said, "this is to take sides against me; to endorse the affront." "Then you mistake my intention," rejoined Cavalcanti, with an icy dignity. "You appeal to me for judgment. And between guests I must hold the scales dead-level, with no thought for the rank of either.

"The idea of scientifically undertaking to intermingle existing populations according to a predetermined plan for reconstructing the human race for flattening out its present varieties into one final unvarious dead-level of humanity is so absurd, that we are more than ever convinced such a statement was not written in earnest!" Mr.

This mechanistic tendency of the intellect coheres with the well-known formula, "Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed" a formula by means of which it has been sought to interpret the ambiguous principle of the conservation of energy, forgetting that practically, for us, for men, energy is utilizable energy, and that this is continually being lost, dissipated by the diffusion of heat, and degraded, its tendency being to arrive at a dead-level and homogeneity.

While I served my time in the galleys of the law, when I was cooped up for eight hours out of the twenty-four with nincompoops of the first water, I saw queer characters enough to convince myself that all is not dead-level even in obscure places, and that in the flattest inanity you may chance upon an angle. Yes, dear boy, such and such a philistine is to such another as Raphael is to Natoire.