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"We say, 'Let them talk," persisted Rickie, "but I never did like letting people talk. We are right and they are wrong, but I wish the thing could have been done more quietly. The headmaster does get so excited. He has given a gang of foolish people their opportunity. I don't like being branded as the day-boy's foe, when I think how much I would have given to be a day-boy myself.

I believe he owed his nickname entirely to the popular prejudice against a day-boy; and in view of the special reproach which the term carried in my time, as also of the fact that his father was one of the school trustees, partner in a banking firm of four resounding surnames, and manager of the local branch, there can be little doubt that the stigma was undeserved.

I asked, after considering them a moment. "We're all the boarders. My name's Ted Bates they call me Doggy Bates and my father's a captain out in India; and these are Bob Pilkington and Scotty Maclean. You may call him Redhead, being too big to punch; and, talking of that, you'll have to fight Bully Stokes." "Is he a day-boy?" I asked. "He's cock of Rogerses up the hill, and he wants it badly.

'Why has my boy not been moved this term? 'Why has my boy been moved this term? 'I am a dissenter, and do not wish my boy to subscribe to the school mission. 'Can you let my boy off early to water the garden? Remember that I have been a day-boy house-master, and tried to infuse some esprit de corps into them. It is practically impossible. They come as units, and units they remain. Worse.

The Conservative candidate, Sir William Bruce, was one of themselves an Old Wrykinian, a governor of the school, a man who always watched school-matches, and the donor of the Bruce Challenge Cup for the school mile. In fine, one of the best. He was also the father of Jack Bruce, a day-boy on the engineering side. The school would have liked to have made a popular hero of Jack Bruce.

But I see you won't." "Won't we, though! Half a shake, Padre Sahib, till we get our towels, and nous sommes avec vous!" Easter term was but a month old when Stettson major, a day-boy, contracted diphtheria, and the Head was very angry.

He doesn't do anything. He doesn't make any friends. He is so odd, too. In this day-boy row that has just started he's gone for my cousin. Would you believe it? Quite spitefully. It made quite a difficulty when I wanted to dine. It isn't like him either the sentiments or the behaviour. I'm sure he's not himself.

The school never quite got hold of me. Partly I think that was because I was a day-boy and so freer than most of the boys, partly because of a temperamental disposition to see things in my own way and have my private dreams, partly because I was a little antagonised by the family traditions that ran through the school.

She was for some little time in the shop, because Miss Milligan always had a great deal to say about her little nephew Benjie, who was at the School as a day-boy and was likely to get a scholarship, and was just now suffering from boils. Joan was a good listener and a patient, so that it was quite late after ten o'clock as she hurried back. Just by the Arden Gate Ellen Stiles met her.

"I tell you what will make him sick, though, and that is your having milled with Rand-Brown. It's a job he'd have liked to have taken on himself." Into the story at this point comes the narrative of Charles Mereweather Cook, aged fourteen, a day-boy. Cook arrived at the school on the tenth of March, at precisely nine o'clock, in a state of excitement. He said there was a row on in the town.